WQ: Technoscrying: The Mysteries of Igira's Watch bugged

the first 2 items are available, but the 3rd item is no where to be found in or out of the highlighted WQ area


Seconded. I’ve been all over the area for a while now, and no sign of the third item.

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Just spent half an hour trying to find 3rd item, thirded?

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Fourthded. No nothing, no nada. 3rd item it’s not there. Also, goggles don’t appear on WQ panel. Had to use them from inventory (bag).

(After completing the other ZC fragment quest, this one turned to reward gold, not myst fragments anymore -though still bugged-. Had another myst fragment WQ on Ohn’ahran P but that one disappeared)

EDIT: Next day I could find it (top of the “hill” in front of cave, in my case). Also, Ohn’ahran WQ didn’t disappear, just changed the reward (also gold instead of fragments).

Logged, did some stuff on alts for about 45 mins and when I logged back in the third piece was there. Not sure if just relogging is enough or if a certain amount of time passed and I just found an old item again.

Confirmed that changing to WM worked for me. That item that I was not able to track was the scroll outside the cave that the quest NPC is in. Cheers all.

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Sounds like the quest item just becomes bugged and unrecoverable on a per-shard basis. Have to hope coming back later is a fresh, unbugged shard. Sigh.

Tried logging out and back in with a 5 min., 2 hour and 12 hour pause and tried WM multiple times and still not finding the third item.

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Tried all methods including waiting, relogging, doing the sweep all on ground, never jumping, no shapeshift or flying, War Mode toggled on/off. Third item does not appear nor does the spark to follow towards it. Can’t even abandon the quest to restart it.

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Same problem here.

Wasted half an hour going over all the area and no third item.

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I have the same issue, only 2/3 items found. I also noticed you can leave a good section of the marked area on the map, so I had spent time going out of the boundary hoping that it would spring up. No luck. Trying Warmode now.

Just did warmode, the item appeared next to the entrance of the cave 38.94 50.21

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I’m not even getting the goggles on my character.


stuck at 66% another bad coding :frowning:

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I keep leaving and coming back and have never received the goggles to do this WQ

If you don’t have the goggles for the world quest, the NPC is available to talk to in the area in order to get them back. If she doesn’t have the option for you, it means you have them somewhere still (such as your bank or buried in a full bag).

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your answer was the answer i needed thank you…i didn’t even think to look in my bag

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Bumping this. 2nd week, where this WQ spawns, but still the same issue is happening… Blizzard’s motto must be: “Release it first, fix it eventually”, that is when they DO fix it…

This quest is bugged for me and a bunch of others on my realm as well.

Additional Questions for the Team: Why aren’t the goggles “Extra Ability” items? Why are they cluttering up my bags constantly? “We hear you hate us putting stuff into your bags… So we put more stuff into your bags. :D”

Edit: Warmode did the trick. Enabled warmode, came back and was able to finish the quest.

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Same problem…there is no 3rd item. I’m NOT using war mode so I guess this can’t be completed today.

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Same problem