Unable to complete the World Quest “Motes of Knowledge”. The NPC “Toadious” is stuck at 39%hp and evade bugging. Please reset this npc. Bleeding Hollow NA-US 3:17pm Realm Time
Same here. Experiencing this exact same thing, too.
Unfortunately, stuck on this quest too. That toad just sits there eating his flies.
Same issue today on Mal’Ganis US 7PM
Same. Got the 10/10 motes, but the frog was hovering above the water and evading.
3/24/2022 at 1am Still bugged can’t finish the world quest
Still bugged.
According to Wowhead this has been a problem for at least 25 days.
Same here on Dalaran server, it just sits there and evades when you attack.
Same on Lothar, Toadius isn’t even pulled, but evades.
Same issue yet again, Gilneas.
Server hopping shouldn’t be a fix for it.
Same issue again, constantly evades, Gnomeregan.
As of 4/15/2022 it is still bugged, same thing . target Toadious and he still says evade each time. When are they gonna fix it?
If you ever needed proof they dont read the Bugs section, its this
Stuck as well. NPC Toadius is at 99% health and constant evade
Still bugged on multiple layers as of now, happy they are working hard trying to fix this -_-, they could at least disable the quest from popping up.
Same on Lothar 1856EST Toadious is just sitting there evading everything. This is getting crazy every time this world quest comes up it gets bugged.
Gallywix. Second time in a row this has happened to me.
Yep I have the same issue. I got all the motes but Toadious won’t take any damage and just sits there. So Blizzard fix your crap please so we can finish the dang quest.