WQ Courier Mission: Ore Recovery


Please delete this WQ. Worst quest ever.


i wanted to open a thread about this garbage. wtf is this?!

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I was LITERALLY baffled at the temerity of this WQ. I’m fine with a quest being challenging. And if they were offering a piece of epic, raid level gear for it, or whatever, I’d feel different about it. But the amount of work expected on this is >>>>>>>> than the reward offered.

At the time I did it I had a full set of the Radiant echoes gear, that had taken me a couple hours to get. None of it upgraded yet, so all 480. The quest offered a single head-piece that was like 415 or so. (And some XP amounting to 1-2% of a level?) but I figured I could sell the piece for some quick gold.

But it was NOT quick. That you have to do all these steps is one thing. But to do them while walking through a region densely populated with aggressive mobs makes it stupid hard, but only for the reward offered.

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Wish I could upvote this 1,000X

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Are people just not understanding this quest? I did it today after seeing so much complaining on the forums and WoWhead and it was fast and easy. You just go grab 10 ore and walk to the end, use the launcher device to send you back up and use the tier 3 stabilizer cast to give yourself 10 seconds of infinite stability whenever it falls off. It took me like 2 minutes going in blind.

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Not sure what people find hard about it. I did the two achievements related to it with ease (bring 10 at once + give 100 to the npcs to repair the machines).

The stability button really should work with mouse click, but binding it to a random button and then holding it to get to the 3rd for infinite stability was simple enough

Wait hold casting the button doesn’t work with the mouse? I bet that right there is 99% of the complaining. Without having the tier 3 cast it would be kind of annoying. I’ve had my extra action button bound to tilde since like Cata or something

It doesn’t, if you hold your mouseclick on it it does nothing, so you just press it normally but it barely restore anything

Don’t have to put this on the hotbar. Click once to start the Stabilization, then click a second time to stop it. It will fill the stabilization bar. I was about to rage-quit until I discovered that lol. Between combat and distance to travel I needed to stop and stabilize a few times. Very doable WQ but > VERY < poorly communicated in-game.