WPvP Wishes

Just making a post to wish you all that are trying to bring back wpvp. I had one of my best times playing this game.

Ganking filthy Alliance and getting them upset so they call more people was a blast as it would turn into a rumble.

Nevertheless I miss each and everyone of you no matter the ending anyone had personally with me. So whoever is trying to bring that unity back and memories wish you the best and hope you guys succeed but it does take a little of everyone to make that happen so hope all the leaders help out like they did in my times at least.



#EZ 1v1 always bro


Thanks for the well-wishes! I personally don’t know of any beef between you and anyone else, but if you want to see a unified and WPvP-rich community, then I’m happy to have your support! Help us make the Dream come true!

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I would love to help make the dream come true but sadly I no longer play. If I did still play best believe KO and SSD would be in the grave how I use to keep them till they called for help.

Overall was fun going against SSD and KO for the most even if all of you are Ez1v1.

Best of luck!


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The easiest of them all Holly!

#Ez1v1 #ShrekSquad


Had good times with you man. #deadguild


Yea we definitely had some really good wpvp times. Well even with #deadguild still the easiest of the easiest 1v1 ever lol…

Hope you having a good time and smacking baddies around.

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Whatever form Dragon Isles takes. I really don’t know exactly wtf I am going to be doing in WoW if I even decide to play at all. Game just isn’t what it used to be, and classic isn’t fullfilling that niche. Best of luck. Hopefully that other thread about just making this a rp-pvp server gains traction. I haven’t enjoyed PVP since WOD.


WOD was peak WPVP.

Im optimistic with them bringing back WOD gearing and talent trees for next expac.

But still hesitant because the game still has a lot of phasing and community separation issues that need addressed.


Personally I think we need more phasing. This way everyone must consent to being killed in warmode by manually choosing to phase to a shard with an enemy player.

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Another main issue is that all of the other servers are mixed together, for example, if you go on any other non RP high pop realm, the world is full of people everywhere (granted, mixed realms), Goldshire world pvp is a constant thing on many servers I have characters on… RP servers are mixed together and ED lead the population and world pvp, and ED can’t carry the weight of all of the other RP servers that don’t turn on warmode and aren’t as populated.

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One issue for me is PvE gear is still mostly going to be king in warmode from the sounds of it? :sob:

Regardless… Wod gearing will hopefully bring some PvPers back which would help as our realm is basically a PvE realm rn lol…

Some of the other changes I’m interested in also (talent trees, profs). This is the first time I’ve been optimistic for an expansion in a while. I was not pumped for BFA/SL in the least. We will still have phasing and warmode issues, but still, hopefully things will be a bit better.

If it’s like WoD, your PvP ilvl SHOULD kick in when engaged in pvp. So warmode should be fine.

We’ll see how it’s implemented tho. I was weary of that too.

BfA was actually a good wpvp exp. Assaults funneled everyone to the same zones and we got good honor and achieves just for ganking.


WPvP died with the introduction of War Mode - now no one is forced into PvP on what used to be an RPPvP server. It’ll never come back to its former glory.

Were you here for Cata/MoP? That was ED’s peak of WPvP.


So much pvp in the spires of Iraq that was indeed some good times

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From what I was reading, they intend for the rating locks for ilvl to scale in warmode. It doesn’t auto scale like it does in instanced PvP. Something about not wanting people to be running around in mythic level gear? Pretty dumb.

Still… If more pvpers come back because instanced is better, it’ll hopefully translate to wpvp a bit.

Thats how it was in WoD tho.

The pvp ilvl didnt kick in against anything but other players.
Im hopeful thats what this intends to do. Or its just going to further kill WPVP interest.

ATM pvp stats come on as soon as you turn warmode on. And you get to use them against mobs etc.
This would negate that.

So if it doesnt kick in against players… yikes.

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