Wpvp on Bleeding Hollow

Hi all, I am a Boomkin on ED, Looking to xfer back to BH, How’s the wpvp… are there Horde guilds that do weekly patrols to kill all and any Ally’s out there… or is that scarce on this server as well… I understand the fact that the game is hurting right now for player base, but just lookin to see how BH is holding up ?


wpvp died in wod when you all decided to go to ED my guy


in Mop, wpvp on BH was unmatched.


I don’t know if that adds up. So it was unmatched. But everyone left for Emerald Dream for the wpvp? I think Emerald Dream may have had better wpvp.

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Warmode killed WoW PVP.


This is the correct answer

eh, it was more so the drama that butthurt peeps to ED.

The old drama with Ironwolf Clan back in the Cataclysm/MOP days was juicy, and the pinnacle of WoW world PVP for me. If you don’t know about the cata/mop days then you probably don’t know the names of Cretus, PoisonSword, Guntram, Sackreligous, Kagrenac, Surfadvisory, Blom, Sative, Levercy, Mark, Bahamas, YoungBizzle, Doucenugget, Rakino, Gucci Suits Gator Boots, Hostility, Old Alliance Vanguard, F.L.A.G, and the list goes on.

Although i’d wager all of these guilds have died. The people either quit for Classic or quit altogether due to how the game is being ran now. But the old days were special. The world PVP videos, the trash talk, the duels outside Stormwind or Orgrimmar. They were the pinnacle of what made the communities that participated in WPVP thrive. With Cross Realm, and Warmode. Server identity doesn’t matter. We just all exist in a maelstrom of servers. Hardly ever seeing the same person more than once.

This is why the game to me no longer has an appeal.


Best time I ever had in this game was on BH in FLAG during mop. So much world pvp and guild v guild drama. Its what wow should still be but herpderp Hazzi

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I’d love to hear some stories about any of that if you could share! I’m a returning player from MoP and Legion and got involved in a bit WPVP back in the day but never really got super involved with a guild. Anywhere I can read about this?

Damn, that’s a throwback.

RIP my boy YoungBizzle. He was the best of us.

You summed this post up perfectly and more eloquently than I could have. Those were truly the glory days when logging onto this game was exciting and the social element was very real and present.

Oh man…

Youngbizzle, and I used to fight all the time back in the day when I was here. If you haven’t guessed yet. This is Cretus. I don’t play WoW anymore… So I just like to jump on the forums sometimes when I see topics like this. It was a terrible thing hearing what happened to Youngbizzle. Poor guy. But his memory lives on!


If the old forums are still active. Just search the old Bleeding Hollow forums. Lots of juicy info there. If it isn’t. Then I cannot really illustrate such a time in a textual format.

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Cretus!!! Dude so many late night memories with you. Im sorry but i couldnt for the life of me remember any of my toons names back when we played together, but i promise we had a lot of crazy times in wpvp in groups together!! so awesome man, you were king of BH

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No worries. It was a long time ago. I played with so many people back in the day. Difficult to remember them all.

How the times change.

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How they do indeed.

why don’t you bring any value to anything hella

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Maybe it is because he is a forgettable face. Grasping at the threads of a time that will never come again…

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Okay guys lol