WoW’s future villains

What do you guys assume the future villains of WoW will be? What is the thing the Jailer was afraid of? Here’s what I assume.

We’ve still got some villains to deal with in the cosmic order first. We’ve dealt with Sargeras, the villain of disorder? We’ve dealt with Jailer, the villain of death. We’ve yet to deal with the void lords, villains of the void. I assume we will need to deal with the tyranny of the light as well.

However the jailer suggests a divided cosmos cannot prevail, so somehow we may befriend the void somehow. I assume the seventh cosmic order the jailer feared is “shadow”. Basically pure darkness. Emptiness like a black hole? I imagine sort of like the darkness / nobodies from Kingdom Hearts.

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If the universe (cosmos) consists of the light, the void, and everything in between, then the division would seem to be that of the light and the void, although I don’t see any of the jailer’s actions doing much to bring those two entities together as he alludes. (I wouldn’t put it past them to indicate that the jailer was also a puppet of whatever it is that’s supposed to be coming.) If the cosmic division is that between the light and the void, maybe the next xpac will involve Turalyon and Alleria who seem to represent an harmonic between those two factions/entities.


I’m thinking the 7th is a hunger that wants to consume the others and the devourers are like the insects we first spotted in Classic. Small hints of what is to come.


Actually Sargeras was a fallen titan, so we defeated a villain of order using disorder. Thus there is always the possibility for us to face off against a Fel pantheon.

Meanwhile when it comes to future villains the likes of Denathrius and Azshara are bound to make a come back. Other threats I see coming are the Void, the Light to an extent, and whatever this seventh force is.


They alluded to the Fel Pantheon in Legion that even the Burning Crusade was like, “Nah, we ain’t messing with these guys…” Supposedly, in the Twisting Nether exist demons that the other demons don’t want to get close to or work with.


Oh wow I didn’t know about this. So Sargeras was sort of just an agent of disorder? I’d be really interested to see what demons are hiding in the depths of the twisting nether.


They’re the even more powerful demons of Fel. They make the Burning Crusade feel like chumps. I guess in WoW there’s always a bigger bad out there. If the game lasts long enough maybe we will meet them.


Oh that’d make sense. Because devourers don’t seem to come from any particular order I think? They’re just known to be creatures from “the inbetween” which is still pretty much undefined place?


The seventh force is basically obvious. It’s the one thing the other six all oppose, one thing that could cause them all to join forces to fight, and the bane of all existence. There is only one thing that fits this description.

Competent Storytelling.


There are several future villains that I think will be in the lore;

  • The fel pantheon (a group separate from the Burning Legion)
  • The Void Lords
  • The remaining demons of the Burning Legion (Tichondrius and Mannoroth are the highest-ranked surviving demons that we know of)
  • Azshara
  • Gallywix
  • The five-headed dragon Chromantus (I hope)
  • Remnants of the Old Gods (Blizz said they’re still around and Yogg-Saron made a comeback in Legion like Y’shaarj did with the sha)
  • The force beyond the cosmos the Jailer alluded to (assuming it’s not the point below)
  • One or more villain-batted First Ones

I am aware of Light villains, I think this point deserved special mention. It’s likely a villain-batted Yrel will return along with a villain-batted AU version of the Naaru Xe’ra. Which is a shame, because I consider the execution of all this “tyranny of the Light” business very poorly written. I have a list of over a dozen reason why Xe’ra alone is a character as poorly written as the Jailer (if only they treated her like an actual character instead of an edgelord’s punching bag).

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The 7th and Azeroth seem like they’re some shuffling of Azathoth, Darkness, and Astarte. Although that is a strange thing to square, as all the Old God stuff has been associated with Void. Maybe there is a Macro Void like there was a Macro Pantheon (please no, stop).

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N’Zoth whispers: Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.

N’Zoth whispers: It grows hungrier… bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.

{◕ ◡ ◕}


LOL!!!, tbh… that would be horrifying.

Chronicle has itself stated that the True Void has not appeared.

The Cosmic Force of Shadow we know is merely a shade of the True Void.

The True Void seems to be called Darkness by Il’gynoth.

Incidentally the Devourers resemble Zerg-Protoss Hybrids so it may be possible that WoW is a sequel to StarCraft II and Amon AKA the Void/Darkness is the Big Bad coming up.

N’Zoth also states that the Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all and as we’ve seen in AU Draenor it is trying to make everyone one in the Light. A repeat of the creation of the Khala AKA the original True Light of StarCraft which was destroyed when the Protoss severed their Nerve Chords.

If Amon is the 7th Cosmic Force and the True Darkness then the recreation of the True Light from Zereth Lumen’s False Light will bring us into conflict with both True Light and True Darkness at once forcing us to side with the False Shadow of the Void Lords and False Light of the First Ones themselves(who are presumably the Protoss, Zerg and Terrans)!

The Progenitor Tech has Golden Energies so the First Ones can easily embody a False Light to replace Zereth Lumen’s False Light when Amon uses said False Light to resurrect the True Light.

They are probably quite unpredictable!

Imagine Slaanesh(constantly seeking the Perfect Ecstasy), Tzeentch(constantly scheming and changing his realm’s layout), Khorne(War God demanding Skulls and Blood), Nurgle(spreading Plagues seeding the world with Pests, Weeds and Diseases), Hexidecimal(when she gets something into her head she does it) and Discord(warps everything into a Realm where everything is Nonsensical)!

The closet of these guys to the Legion is Khorne due to him being nothing but War, Bloodshed and demanding Skulls(Worthy Skulls from dishonorable foes). Even so the Legion has too many of Slaanesh’s traits(lust from Succubi and love of Torture for everyone else) for any Khornate Demon to align with.

Incidentally Megabyte who is Hexadecimal’s brother is not that different from Sargeras. He seeks to create an Oppressive Empire through Chaos just like Sargeras.


I’m not sure if there’s a connection with the Devourers.

I don’t think the Light holy war in AU Draenor has anything to do with that N’Zoth quote you cited. And that’s assuming that line from N’Zoth wasn’t a lie, wishful thinking or metaphorical.

Speaking of Starcraft, I don’t think the story ever explained why or what made the Khala a lie - they just expected fans to go with it after defeating Amon with the Protoss severing their Nerve Chords - “Don’t think about it, audience, just accept it.”

I really hope if they do Yrel’s Holy Terror it’s not going to be a re-tread of the Protoss/Tal’drim/Khala story, but it’s looking like it is, if not worse.

This true Light/Darkness and false Light/Darkness stuff could have potential though at this point imo it looks like grasping at straws.

A Fel pantheon akin to Warhammer’s Chaos Gods could work, but it would require care and attention to detail to pull off.

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There’s also Xal’atath as well. She will almost certainly show up again at some point. Xal’atath is certainly a possible candidate for an expansion villain.

Yrel could show up again at some point, too.


OMG, Blizz watched Akira, the next villain is a giant Amoeba…

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Back in BFA an item called the Bloodwake Drinking Horn which could be obtained from Island Expeditions appeared to be teasing some vykrul named Jorun. He apparently has a fleet of thousands of ships in the Great Sea and is the greatest raider who ever lived.

He’ll probably just be a minor villain like God King Skovald but who knows.


This has to be the coolest theorycraft / interpretation of the lore I’ve read. It’s all so interesting and I hope the lore even has a scope of the depth you’ve written here!

it wasn’t so much of a lie but how Amon was able to use it to control the other protoss. And as seen in the final cinematic of the main LotV campaign, the keystone wasn’t going to hold Amon in for a long period of time. How Amon was able to tap into the Khala is not explained iirc. Maybe that is why it is referred to as a lie. That the Khala wasn’t some force that calmed down the Protoss to end the Amon of Strife but a tool that Amon would use to control the Protoss in time. Although he died shortly after making the Zerg Overmind.