Thank you for sharing that bit of lore.
If I recall, didn’t they sever their Nerve Chords and denounce the Khala after Amon’s defeat?
Thank you for sharing that bit of lore.
If I recall, didn’t they sever their Nerve Chords and denounce the Khala after Amon’s defeat?
No. The final mission of the main LotV campaign has you defend the Xel’naga keystone (the same one used at the end of WoL) until it was fully charged. Once it was fully charged, it sent out a pulse that dragged Amon out of the Khala. After his host body was destroyed, the Khala is the last piece of Amon still in the universe. The Protoss sever off their nerve chords while Amon is trapped within the Keystone, but is on the verge of escaping. If he escaped, he would again use the khala to keep him within the universe. With no way to maintain a host of any form after the severing of the nerve chords, Amon is banished back into the void. Amon dies for a second and final time in the epilogue.
It is important to note that if a Xel’naga dies in a universe, they are banished back to the void. They also cannot use a host body of their own making to grant them access to that universe. Which is why Amon needed the Khala and his hybrid host body to be within the main universe we see in the games. Amon and all of his followers but one were killed in the universe we play in and again in the void. The only one to survive the conflict was “Duran”.
But the Khala was a religion based on a philosophy, which involved the Protoss being in psychic contact with each other. How is a creed “part of Amon”? Did he insert his consciousness into the communal mind link?
While serving the Nerve Chords might’ve stopped Amon, why was it necessary to abandon that creed? How was it a lie? With Amon gone, what was wrong with the Protoss building a new Khala untouched by Amon afterward? Didn’t the Protoss born afterwards have un-severed Nerve Chords?
Like I said, I don’t think it was ever explained how Amon was able to tap into the Khala. But my guess he was able to do it because he is a very powerful psionic being. Being a Xel’naga and all. Plus the Khala was discovered by using crystals left behind by Amon and his group of rebels. Something Amon didn’t expect. You could say it was a surprise, but a welcomed one.
I don’t think anyone knew how to do it. The Protoss who originally discovered the Khala was long dead. But again, why would they want to create a new one? It would most likely lead to the same divisions the Khala did in the first place. Between those who became one with it and those who rejected it. Whether they were Nerazim or the Tal’darim. Even in the wake of Auir being lost to the Zerg, there were some within the Khalai who were insulted that they had to accept the help of the Nerazim. Likewise there were some in the Nerazim who didn’t want to help their Khalai cousins because of those divisions. let’s not forget that the conclave sent Artanis (who is the canonical executor in the base SC1 protoss campaign) to arrest Tassadar because Tassadar was seen working alongside Zeratul. A Nerazim. While Auir was being invaded by the Zerg.
After Amons defeat and Shakuras destroyed. The reclaimed Auir became home to both the Khalai and the Nerazim. Even Alarak gave his people a one time offer to either stay on Auir or leave with the Death Fleet to find a new home and purpose.
Just because you have nerve chords doesn’t mean you are one with the Khala. The Tal’darim are proof of this. They left Auir before the Khala became the dominant religion. So they still retain their nerve chords.
That explains how Amon got into the Khala.
What divisions happened because of the Khala? If anything, the Khala created unity without a hive mind; unity with individuality. Did the Khala require that everyone join it? Do we know why some rejected it? How does any of that make the Khala “a lie”?
I brought up the Protoss with un-severed Nerve Chords to speculate why they couldn’t just make a new Khala by adapting the old teachings.
There were some who didn’t want to be part of the Khala. In time those who were one with the Khala saw these people as heretics. Conflict broke out and the “heretics” were banished. These became the Nerazim. Who severed their nerve chords as a permanent statement against the Khala religion.
Basically these people valued true individualism above all else. it should be noted that some within the Khalai, like Adun didn’t want any conflict to break out. He even went so far as to teach some members of the Nerazim how to cloak.
In that case neither group sound like individualists; except Adun. The Khalai shunned those who reject the Khala. The Nerazim permanently cut themselves off and shun those who accept it.
What about my other questions; Do we know why some rejected (the Khala)? How does any of that make the Khala “a lie”? I know you weren’t calling it a lie, I’d read that in a story summary.
Why some rejected the Khala has already being explained somewhat. Basically these people didn’t want to be part of some cult like entity. They wanted to remain as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. Others like the Tal’darim never saw it as important.
Not really. While some certainly did, others did not. I mean Zeratul worked alongside Tassadar during the first Great War to try and defeat the Overmind. Most within the Nerazim accepted the Khalai refugees a home on Shakarus after the fall of Auir. Raszagal was one of those who were banished. I think the lie aspect comes from the sense that it was meant to bring unity and peace to Auir. To end the Aon of Strife but it only caused more conflict, hatreds and fear. The would be Nerazim were fine with simply living their lives without wanting any conflict but those within the conclave saw them as heretics and thus traitors regardless. And those old hatreds continued. Even with the Zerg launching a full on invasion, the Conclave still sent Artanis (the executor from SC1 base protoss campaign) to ARREST Tassadar. Mainly because he was working with Zeratul. Among other things as well.
Imagine that though. The Zerg slaughtering your people and you are more concerned with what Tassadar was doing than saving Aiur.
I get they didn’t want to be part of the Khala, but that doesn’t explain their reasons for that. My understanding is that the Khala was just everyone being in psychic contact, they still have their own thoughts and feelings, they can just perceive each others’ too; how is seeing each others’ thoughts and feelings while retaining your own not an individual?
That does explain a bit more about the Nerazim attitudes towards the Khalai. To clarify, did the Nerazim require those born after that initial exile to sever their Nerve Chords too?
I believe so yes. Since Vorazun had her nerve chords severed before Amon took control of the Khala. As did Zeratul.
The Khala kinda acted like a pseudo cult if I am reading into it correctly. Basically you had your “freedoms” but you had to submit to certain rules and regulations. And some of those, certain Protoss wanted no part in it. They believed if they submitted to the Khala, the government in charge could grow even more powerful. Which tbf, they were right. Questioning the Conclave would end up being seen as a crime against Aiur and her people.
If the dragon expansion is real, then it’s probably going to be an attempted ressurection of galakrond.
If it’s the Primus, that would be wild.
Denathrius I’m pretty certain is gonna be back.
Azshara and Gallywix too.