Wowup was banned from Curseforge

Since the addon makers are doing Blizzard’s work for free, the least Blizzard could do is offer them a code repository, instead of Curseforge and the likes.


Many already use the free ones out there. You just have to do this manually is all.

M$ owns github. So when then own officially actiblizz…your wish has been granted already.

Betheda only offers mod support via site and in game download since they tried the mods on console concept. their way is the only way console can see a mod repo.

People who use the pc side of that mod site…I don’t get why. Many don’t. I only release xbox versions of mods on the BGS mod site. want the PC version? Go to nexus mods site. Many MA’s do this lol. Nexus we can get better asked questions.

Your mod don’t work, fix!

tell me what does not work and what is your mod load. and are you using proper logical load order? Or even a LO manager.

And I get that reply back. Ah…you violated the “rule of 1”. Only 1 change applies…usually the last one. you ahve this mod under mine which overwrites one of my changes.

Pick mine or the other. or put mine under it and see what you get.

Anyone else having major issues with Wowup addons since yesterday?

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Would be nice if the official Battlenet client handled addons. Would actually give it a purpose. Until then, I’m using Curseforge.


Isn’t curseforge just overwolf spyware? People used Wowup because it was light and you can turn advertisements off. If Curseforge app is anything like Overwolf, then it’s probably clunky and riddled with ads?


It on a side panel. Easily ignored.

Click update, update, leave.

I no bs spend more time in tukui updating elvui. since they have a less robust dl server/intractucture/data plan this is to be expected. No biggy, I can give up many seconds of my day for it lol.


Wowup was so nice because it updated ElvUI and all my ElvUI plugins.


All I can say is that I refuse to install Overwolf on my PC. I will stop using addons before I do that. Let’s see if a workaround comes out or if I need to just manually download my addons going forward. That’s how I did it back in the day.


Anyone have a good alternative? Right now I’m using WowUp and just manually updating the Curse addons.

It still works for ElvUI because ElvUI is not hosted on Curse.

this basically

Something I will add here:

Advertisements don’t even load on my PC. Even inside of apps or programs. My VPN prevents connections to ad networks and most trackers. So I am not really concerned about the ads. It’s the software itself scanning my PC and gathering data that I do not like.


To be clear, CurseForge is not creating addons. It’s providing a hosting platform, with revenue funded by ads. Without the ads (or subscribers), we don’t get a well managed platform to host and distribute addons.

WowUp’s ‘business model’ was to take ad revenue from CurseForge while using CurseForge’s hosting. Sure they could provide a “no ads experience” because they weren’t paying for the hosting.

There are plenty of addons on GitHub, and you can get addons from CurseForge without Overwolf by downloading the zip, or using their lightweight downloader.

Basically, Curse is protecting it’s ability to continue operating, by stopping a competitor from abusing it’s largesse.

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and for the convenience they like to get paid. and not have people leeching the efforts of their work.

as they have dev time and and costs on their end. And bills to pay. Fair enough trade off there.

same reason why I am a paid premium member on nexus mods. that site, the vortex tools…people work on that. they like me…like to feed their families. I don’t work for free.

Beyond my scout bsa volunteering. and even then I get “paid”. our current scout master has a fair deal. we give up our time to support camp outtings…he “pays” us with some really out of this world dutch oven cooking.

For non campers…not THAT dutch oven you are probably thinking of. baking with charcoal on a bbq grill dutch oven.

the dude makes a dutch oven peach cobbler to die for really. its fair payment for watching over 10+ 12 to 17 years olds lol.

Ya’ll forgetting addon makers still wouldn’t use a non-Curse host unless it offered them money.

It is what it is, however:
I do want to use addons and ten years ago it kind of felt like being a rebel with Blizzard winking and accepting that these things were being made and used inside the game.

Today, the number of addons is massive. In my opinion, the whole scene is too big to continue to ignore. It has become a problem for the players (not the players in this forum, of course).

And the frustrating thing is that we can’t tell Blizzard that we see this as a problem; I can call my apartment manager and my cable provider; the pros at blizz seem to be oblivious until it gets so bad that they have to deal with it.

This would not be the first cry for Blizzard to take over addon management tools and to vet the addons being used in their games.

I sure wish it could be better.

I mean, I have multiple small addons on Curse, and wasn’t offered any money. I have them there because it’s the easiest hosting option.

Cool. Which are yours?

Buff Enough Classic is the main one with a decent amount of dev. Though I still have plenty of work to do :stuck_out_tongue:

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You’d have to apply to CF’s “dev reward program”. Wago also does a ‘dev reward program’.

Personally, I’d go with Wago. They just wanted WoWUP to display ads to gain access to their site API…didn’t care that WoWUP would also be pulling from Curse.

((For those that don’t know: Overwolf’s reason for not giving WoWUP an API Key was because when they partnered with Wago, and started showing ads, OW immediately claimed WoWUP was now a competitor. Even those they get ZERO pennies from the ads; it all goes to Wago.))

Fun Fact: Curse’s post about their standalone mod manager has a link that takes you to the generic download page, where the immediately visible ‘download’ button actually downloads the full bloatware Overwolf program. You have to scroll to the bottom of the page, click the ‘v’ on the Download button there, then select the standalone mod manager.

That’s immediately suspect and extremely sleazy; they know people are going to click the first download link from the link on the blog post saying “hey here’s the standalone app”.