WoW's Guild Problem

Just re-implement the old Mass Summon. It was great not just for raiding but all sorts of group activity that wouldn’t necessarily have access to a Summoning Stone (World Bosses, Rare farming, fishing contests, impromptu world PVP wars, etc.)

Just give that back and all is forgiven.

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Joining a guild should be a choice based on preference. Not because you don’t want to be locked out of content.


That would be a great start…but I would also like the passive gold gathering back as well.

Not all, but some of the carries/token buying that is happening right now are guilds trying to fund raid repairs and expendables…and the current few thousand gold Blizz offers a week just doesn’t cut it.

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As best I can tell this will be the one thing they will likely never do again. It encouraged absentee ‘landlord’ GMs that basically used their guilds for gold farming. Honestly? I think this is what soured Blizz on guilds overall.

I joined about 3 communities and even made one of my own. But, they all ended up dying out very quickly. I can’t really say for sure why. I’m not sure how they could’ve been improved to make people use them.

I’m sure you are right…but there is pretty much no incentive for people to create or recruit for guilds nowadays.

So sour all they want, incentives provided motivation to put guilds together and recruit members…now you do it so you can have a guild bank or you just really like the reward free hassle of trying to constantly recruit and babysit members

I don’t really have a grievance with the guild system. Any guild I have been that is close to 1000 characters has over half that haven’t logged in in over a year. I think 1000 character max is plenty and having a guild larger than that is actually anti- community.

And I don’t want my alts to be indicated in the guild and the same with spam mail from the GM, I don’t want it. I play games with that feature and it is annoying as heck to keep getting useless spam from egotistical GMs.

Nope to guild halls or all the perks you are wanting as well. It was terrible when guilds had such powerful perks as it made them almost required to play the game like they had in cata.

seriously, you leave your guild and see how long you can go without being invited to one. There are far too many reasons to create guilds and recruit now as it is.

I have an idea OP that comes straight from City of Heroes.

They have a thing called a “Coalition” which is essentially a guild for guilds. In CoH guilds are “Super Groups” but for the sake of ease, I will call it a guild and the coalition I will call an Allegiance.

Now an Allegiance can have up to 10 guilds within it which comes with itself, perks; shared guild hall, resources, and their own perks. The beauty of said Allegiance is that you don’t have to leave your guild to be with your friends; if your friends want to make a guild but still want to hang out without the hassle of juggling Discord channels, then you can make an Allegiance.

This could work for roleplay guilds too, so they can have ‘different guilds’ within the Allegiance. It’ll help socialize the game and with the shared perks, Allegiance bank, and chat, it’d bring some life back into the game in terms of casuals and even high-end raiding guilds.

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and what is the maximum guild size in this game.

I dunno, but it keeps from people having to absorb guilds that might end up falling apart, with the “Allegiance” system, if a guild falls apart, it doesn’t take the others with them, thus will still be able to benefit from the Allegiance bonuses.

I don’t know if you have ever accepted one of those guild invites…but I can’t say that I have joined a mass invite guild that I stayed in for more than a couple days

Mainly because they have no reason to exist and everyone there just clicked accept to the invite…and they typically leave.very quickly

Again, since there is no incentive for running a guild…I don’t even understand the motivation to do those mass invites

I imagine the size is relatively small. Any guild I have been in that ‘fell apart’, wouldn’t have joined with other guilds of value anyway -so even 10 of them in an allegiance wouldn’t have been enough.

Just making sure that people don’t make like 500 guilds in one Allegiance just to exploit benefits is what I’m considering.

It doesn’t matter if you stayed a day or two or 100. The point is there are lots of incentives to create guilds already and for them to spam invites.

yes well you not understanding the motivation and there being no motivation is two different things.

Then please educate me…what are these “lots of incentives” to create guilds?

People would light the forums on fire if they added guild halls before player housing. It is would the most epic melt down you would ever see. I am not against the idea, thou I think some of your suggestions are a bit much but it shouldn’t happen without player housing.

Wait, isn’t the cap 1k members? Seriously, if you need more room create an “alt guild” and use discord to link them.

That would be nice but I would take it a step further and have a way for the game to associate other characters on the account who are in the guild with the alt automatically.

You do have some interesting ideas but I 100% disagree with your comment that guild halls probably should happen before player housing.

The only thing I wanted changed for guilds is more vault tabs, auto organize the removal of the achievement requirement to get the 8th tab

After that I could really careless about the guild system

like to feel special, i.e. guild master - the boss
like to have a community at your beck and call
like to control who raids and how they raid
like to steal from other people - I remember someone who had a farming guild that had a pyramid type of scheme
like to have other people build up a guild and then you can sell it
like to have a guild bank - even better if you can get others to pay for the tabs
like guild perks - you can find the list in the game

I am sure there is lots of others but you get the general idea. Sort of the same reason you would want to make a guild.