Wow's current REAL issue and why some people are probably unhappy

The real problem with World of Warcraft vs what every one seems to think it is is actually quite different.

The problem with World of Warcraft is NOT the game itself and it is NOT the fact that World of Warcraft has changed. The truth is World of Warcraft has not changed. It is currently a grinding game and always has been. I mean I know this recent patch had a lot of bugs but so did Vanilla and people still stuck around. To touch base a little more on what I’m about ready to say… part of the reason for this is games were well known for having many bugs back then however they are not now. This has affected people’s expectations.

The truth is World of Warcraft has not changed at all. What has changed however is the gaming industry and the player base itself. The drastic change in the gaming industry has changed people’s expectations for the games they play

Gamers are in a different mindset now then they were 15 years ago. Due to the changing industry things people were content with 10 years ago and might have saw as the norm they are not content with now. People’s current expectations due to their mindset being different and the gaming industry having changed drastically changed people’s expectations subconsciously.

Now that expectations are not being met therefore they are currently dissatisfied with the game. In their mind wow has changed because they’re all of a sudden not having the fun they used to. The truth is what’s changed is them; not World of Warcraft. So unless the game makes some drastic and fundamental changes to keep up with the current industry, than these issues will continue to cause a downward slope.

I’m not saying the game is going anywhere anytime soon because people have a lot of time invested in their characters and the game. They don’t want to give that up. On top of that there are people like myself who have moved to being a casual player who are not dissatisfied enough to quit

PS> this is not an I’m quitting post. I’m not going anywhere I just happened to see what the problem with the game is and I thought I would make a post on it.


You think you do but you don’t.


The grind was handled differently in the past. I don’t mind any of the current grinds at all but flying around Uldum for 20 minutes looking for rares as opposed to doing my dailies in Icecrown for the day…

I’d pick the dailies in Icecrown. They took about the same amount of time but you did a lot more within that time. It was a bit more engaging.




So you think most players complaining are new players ? My ‘mindset’ towards things in this game hasn’t changed in 9 years and I find it odd so many others would.



WoW has never been like this in the history of the game.


Did you read my post at all? Because the whole point I was trying to get across you missed completely. No I think the mindset of the players that have been playing for a long time have changed due to the rapid changing game in in industry and what they are currently used to.

Did you read what I said. My mindset hasn’t changed because of that so I find it hard to believe others have.

And no I didn’t read your whole post but it appears I didn’t have to.

Their mindset has changed though subconsciously to the point where they don’t even realize it has. And a lot of it may not be so much mindset but expectations because they both do go hand-in-hand.

A lot of people keep expecting something new and then when wow doesn’t provide that they get upset.

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My mindset hasn’t changed either. WoW has changed to a F2P action RPG when it used to be a MMORPG.


So you are buying blizzard’s excuse for the drop in subs in WoD - everyone got old.


all the new systems and rental talents are the problem. A returning player see’s how much bs they have to grind to even be viable they see garrison missions, azurite, essences and corrupted as overwhelming, not to mention hardcore players don’t want to be grinding new talents or rerolling when the meta flips on it’s head everypatch because the new systems are totally unbalanced.


First, I’m still having a bit of fun with the game. I took a small break in 8.2 to focus more on IRL, but I still enjoy the game most of the time. I’ve been playing off and on since BC.

But, to be fair, to say the unhappiness is in no part their fault can’t be true. You say you found THE problem, but the player base can’t be the only ones at fault.

DoN’t YoU GuYs HaVe PhOnEs

^^ these are perfect examples. WoW has a serious PR problem in my opinion. Most of the time, Blizz will admit no wrong. I think it’s good that they’re headstrong in their decisions at times, but sometimes, it’s not.

A good example of a change that was not positively received. I don’t care if people say “you can’t listen to the forums for feedback”. I take it with a grain of salt, but there are certain things put into the game that are obviously a widely negative change. They tell us “well, people couldn’t find the vendors” - I mean, come on… Did they really think that was the right thing to say? Did they think we would buy that?

League of Legends just put out a video of some of their upcoming projects. While the 2 games are VERY different, and they have both made their fair share of issues, Riot games does a decent job of addressing their player base in my opinion. They just came out with a video about upcoming 2020 projects, and he talks a ton about player feedback and how that actually drove some of their decisions. They delayed one of their new features (some sort of trophies) because it was so negatively received and they revamped it a little bit. They’re revamping a couple of champs, and seem to be listening to player feedback pretty closely.

Again, two different companies/games, both have their own issues, but I just thought their video handled it pretty elegantly. I kept thinking to myself “Blizzard would never admit that the player base seriously dislikes (insert thing here)”.

  1. Just about every spec is currently in its worst state (least fun) since BC.

  2. WoW storylines were always goofy and predictable, but the BFA storyline is pure trash. No one knew who the bad guy was til the 8.3 ptr. And now we just kill him and move on. No build up, no emotional investment. I wanted to beat the lich king back in wrath. Now, i dont know anything about nzoth. Like a bad star wars movie.

  3. All the new BFA content was mindless - islands and warfronts.

  4. 8.3 assaults are the worst iteration of assaults.

  5. Horrific visions feel weird. Like it was designed for a different game entirely. Might be fine if it wasnt the primary feature outside of raiding. Does not feel thought out


When you said the game hasn’t changed, of course I rolled my eyes. Even if player expectations have changed, it is a bit of a stretch to say that the game itself has not changed. Of course, you will then say that it is “basically unchanged in the important aspects”. But the devil is in the details, and there are several changes to the game that have been made that I really dislike. Scaling and Pathfinder are two big ones. A third is that more things are put behind grinds and time gates compared to the “good old days”. I did Jewelcrafting in MOP because a reputation grind was not needed. But these days it seems just about everything needs a reputation grind. I am doing less and less in game these days, I don’t see myself being subbed much longer. I am definitely not hanging around for Shadowlands.


LOL at people that think their mindset hasn’t changed in 10 years.

Unless of course you truly believe you have not matured/developed at all as a person in that time. This will effect everything in your life, including mindset. Though you may just not realize it.


Stop saying it was the same. IT IS NOT.

You know what Icecrown dailies gave you? a handful of armor pieces WORSE than Heroic dungeons. The only people who did the dailies are those who really wanted to do it.

You could totally skip dailies in this game all the way up to the beginning of MOP where Blizzard tried to force it, and failed miserably. They had to revert this type of gameplay around Throne of Thunder as people were quitting in droves.

Even WoD was borderline with required daily quests. Only in Legion did this forced nonsense come up again, but now Blizzard have doubled down on it since then.

You barely missed anything not doing daily content in older WoW. Now? The entire game is designed around it, even for casual players.


I’d say wow has changed some but, not quite as much as people would like to think. The core gameplay of: run around hitting badguys for a long period of time to become a little stronger is more or less the same. The formulas much more refined these days than it was back in the day but, that core of world, dungeon, and raids is still there. Many players don’t really seem to remember all the stuff they put up with today was many times worse in the past and they happily gobbled it up simply because they didn’t know any better. Now they do know better though, they know that they can usually get their dailies done in 30 or so minutes but, new patch means those dailies now take an hour or more. It feels horrible and clunky because everyone and their dog is out in those new areas, doing the same thing they are. Its like comparing shopping for a tv on a quiet tuesday morning to trying to snag the last 70 inch plasma screen tv on black friday.

You seem to think you can read people’s minds. So the game has not changed “as much as I think” which is another way of saying that according to you the game has not changed “in any important way” and that if I think differently it is because my mindset is incorrect, whereas obvious you are incapable of bias and have a perfect mindset.


So much nonsense.

As a casual player:-

Vanilla - Gearing through dungeons and PVP at max level
TBC - Same

Cata- Add LFR
MOP- Same as Cata
WOD- Same as Cata

Legion- World quests, Dungeons now useless unless you want to do Mythic +. PVP and LFR loot are trash.
BFA- Same as Legion.

You can argue what is better or not, but stop saying its exactly the same. It… is… not… the… same…