Wowhead datamined Hair styles

Yeeash… 2 gnome and 1 Nelf hair so far.

Kinda meh, i hope for Nelfs they don’t just add Keep adding short hairstyles. More to come so I’ll be patient I suppose.


Seen em.

Pretty sure these were the cut WOD ones.

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They don’t look horrible… I think… Might just be the faces they picked.

These hairstyles are already playable on the alpha.

That’s a…pretty bad nelf hairstyle there. Is that supposed to be “anime tough girl nelf”?

They might have been because that nelf one is familiar

Ahhh, yeah I’ve got a hunch that they will have a big reveal on everything by beta not really sure if they release too much for alpha, unless they want to work out any bugs.

I like the nelf one



It looks like Chloe Price.

So that’s a yes.


Now to just hope male blood elves get facial hair. Altho I wouldn’t mind more bob like haircuts for sindorei either. You know. The short and spiky in the back with two long pieces in the front “punk bob” before The Karens ran off with their own version of it

Also woah look at the nelves ears. They have like little ridges in them while being super long. Also neat

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Later in the game you find out that Chloe got the haircut from a manga.

So actually yes!! LMAO


LMAO well, I guess it’s fitting for elves.

BWAHAHAHA That first gnome hair looks like the mom on that 70’s show


Here I thought we already had those hairstyles in live lol.

WTF… aaaarrrrrggg make it stop!

LMAO so true.

We just need a Red Foreman, saying Dumbass!


I’m holding out for my undead BE skins :pleading_face:

But I hope you get tons of amazing new options for NE’s Ely! :blue_heart: :grin:

I kind of like the skin tone I saw for NEs that looked a bit like the tealy grayish green idk what to call it that Nightborne have hehe :smiley:


I still wanna have a Wretched option for Belves. I know I mention that a lot BUT THAT’S HOW BADLY I WANT IT

Those are the hairstyles we saw previewed back in WoD. The night elf one I saw some npcs with that style during the burning of teldrassil event. Lol it’s okay… nothing spectacular or unexpected.

Thinking back to those old WoD styles, most of them were pretty blah. :joy:

I know how you feel! That’s me with the Undead Dark Ranger look that’s been rumored!

But I think all the races we haven’t seen the last of stuff, and the stuff we have seen is still not 100% verified yet, so we may end up getting half a dozen of one and two three and one of the other one, and maybe some stuff no one expects idk I’m hoping and positive though!

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