Wowhead can you NOT?

Wowhead posts an article about a hyper spawn.

20min later it’s patched.

Goats. Cranes.

Now the timeless isles.

Do you think they’re doing it on purpose, to get the places patched? or are they just that ignorant?

There was an article not too long ago about a Nintendo lawyer being interviewed by a gaming magazine, and he thanked them, because he got so many leads to fanmade projects he then got to shoot down because of the report on it…


No, they’re doing it because it brings traffic to their site.


Good point.

Maybe so, but they know, we all know, all it does is bring things to Blizzards attention to force them to make changes, and not good changes either.

And it’s not just Remix, it’s everything, make a note about how a skip works, or a broken ability/trinket and it gets fixed. But bugs that sit in the game forever get nothing done because Blizzard don’t care, they just don’t want people getting an advantage.

A small number of people frogging is OK, but the minute the article was released, same as every other one, it’s not OK because now everyone does it and it breaks their time played metrics so they nerf it.

99% chance the rares will be daily lockout come Monday.


i think everyone who partook in any of the aformentioned exploits should be deported from their home country.
oh and also banned.

Weren’t you crying earlier cause you ‘only did 10min’ and got zugged too?


personally I should be banned as well.
we all should be banned.
likely we all partook in an exploit at some point in our career.
can you explain to me how abusing ward of salvation to one shot bosses is less of an exploit than frogs?
ill be waiting :slight_smile:
this is satire btw, if you didnt catch the hints :slight_smile:

Nope, I’m a goodie weirdo that, if I see something that seems too good to be true, I avoid it like the plague cause I don’t want to get banned.

But yes, ANY exploiting requires penalties.


Oh, then you agree that wowhead should be posting these exploits so they get fixed? and those who used them reverted?

Then Wowhead should send an email and not make a public post so everyone and their dog will exploit it first.

Like that one dude who would find hilarious exploits and make videos, but he doesnt post the videos until a week after sending them to support to get them fixed.

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Blizz doesn’t rely solely on Wowhead for info on what to nerf.

Well, of course not, but it’s always rather hilarious to see, my discord gets a ping about a new article, and within an hour, another.

Yeh well:

10 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, what is classified as extreme?

I wouldn’t count 10 minutes as extreme.


No, you speak for yourself only. I did nothing worth of a ban.

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posts an article about exploits*

Edit: Updating all my posts with a link to one Blizzard is trying to silence.

Why I am quitting WoW over MoP Remix - Community / WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria - World of Warcraft Forums (


It wasn’t an exploit.


I’m going to provide a hot take about the recent nerfs, I don’t think they should have happened.

Players took advantage of a method of farming that was completely overlooked by Blizzard despite the amount of time they had to test remix and iron out all the kinks.

The developers do an abysmal job of testing their own game mode before shipping it and then have the nerve to come down hard on the people who are paying THEM to beta test their game.

FYI I’m not one of these players, I’m not even level 70 on remix yet, I just think this conduct from Blizzard is annoying.


maybe people should stop trying to abuse content they shouldn’t be

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Have they actually nerfed Timeless Isle rares? Unless there’s something I’m missing, rare farming has been a thing since time immemorial. The only thing I can think of would be rares not correctly locking people out to once per day for loot. And frankly, I don’t think the bronze from that would be that good either, mainly just threads.

Eyup, watch all the people flood in here now and say that killing rares was an exploit too.