Is this what is causing all the fuss?
I think what WoWhead has exposed is a need for Blizzard to further tune delves. While they can be done in groups. They are marketed as a solo content.
so… I can see some feathers have been ruffled.
Is this what is causing all the fuss?
I think what WoWhead has exposed is a need for Blizzard to further tune delves. While they can be done in groups. They are marketed as a solo content.
so… I can see some feathers have been ruffled.
if i recall they should be scaled to groups but some how they are not
I really don’t care. The fun is in the challenge.
I did all mine solo, will continue to.
People have realized it was much easier in groups for a few days now.
This article is just stating the obvious.
No, the underlying issues discussed in the article are causing the fuss.
Players figured this out day one, Wowhead simply posted an article on it for views.
How are we getting the mount.
It should be done in solo right ?
Wowhead didn’t cause the fuss. Players who have done delves and talked to each other caused the fuss.