WoW.exe exception ACCESS_Violation

Anyone else getting a WoW.exe exception ACCESS_Violation - The instruction at ‘0x00007ff7f781c9d6’ referenced memory at ‘0x0000000000000228’, The memory could not be “read” error message when playing the game since the TWW patch? I bought the return to the game bundle almost 2 months ago to play with my partner again and all was great until this week, now I can’t login without it crashing in 5mins. Disabled all addons, and tried a scan and repair, reboot, update graphics drivers, still crashing.

Also, I CAN play Ghost of Tsushima all day at Ultra settings maxed, Diablo IV plays fine, Any game I play, I can play those all day, maxxed settings, no crashes, WOW is the only one causing this issue.

Update: My wife’s PC is now returing the same error message and crashing her game as well. Please help us play wow again.

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Always search first.

There are solutions posted among those threads.

I did search, and those did not apply to me. My resolution is at 100%. My wife’s PC is causing the same issue and she has the same settings as myself and she is running on a i5 9600k processor. We’ve both disabled any addons we had running and still getting crashes to the desktop. THIS IS THE ONLY GAME ON MY SYSTEM THAT HAS THIS ISSUE.

This post is shows that a Stopgap fix seems to make the issue with the game and video driver, so that would be on your side to fix would this not?


You do understand that only blue posters work for blizzard, right?

Green and white text are just players.


i would suggest. down clocking CPU by 200MHZ and turn of XMP/AXPO… [ACCESS_VIOLATION] is happing due to CPU/RAM clock speed to high… also flash your motherboards bios to the newest ver

The above is included in the many threads about this same topic, like I mentioned.

I’m having the same issue. just today. about once an hour or so I’m randomly getting that error. none of the “fixes” from the link post are valid for me. game worked fine yesterday. now I’ve had that crash 3x in the last hour or so.

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