Wow.exe bad image error

When I launch the game I get that error. It refers to a .dll file that may be bad. It doesn’t prevent me from playing the game and doesn’t seem to affect gameplay. But it seems odd

My video card died last week and I replaced it to day. I am guessing it has something to do with that.

I found an old topic that referred to this and it suggested doing a system file check. Did that and it came back clean. Other alternative is to reinstall the game. Not sure if I want to do that

Have you tried running the repair tool in the battlenet launcher? It will save you from having to redownload the entire game.

Tried it twice to no avail

Thanks for answering

Can you spell out the exact DLL that it’s talking about?


/10 char, lol

What video card did you have before and what card do you have now?

You might need to do a clean reinstall of the drivers and it’s best to use DDU for it. This pinned thread should get you started:

It works for both AMD and Nvidia drivers and is pinned by forum staff on the Nvidia forums, so even they recommend using it to solve issues sometimes.

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