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That is only if “the healer casts” is defined as “the heal comes from the source: the healer” or “the healer hard casts the healing spell”.

If it was hard casting it would also screw over resto druids for example, since a HoT is not a hard casted healing spell either, but a buff that heals over time, too. Same with resto shaman totems.

Basically every healer would be screwed if the set bonus was only “hard casted heals”.

That is correct - any healing applied from the heal over time effect (that did not come from the initial casted heal - such as regrowth) would not apply Insurance.

This is in regards to the current wording of the tier set, though.

It is quite unlikely that blizzard releases it in a manner that makes discipline priests essentially function without a tier set for the season.

But that doesn’t change that atonement is a buff that converts damage to healing instead of actually being a healing spell.

The devs better chuck those tier set bonuses idea already. We don’t want BFA levels of laziness when it comes to gear.

Now you have my attention.

May as well add my feedback for the tier sets here as well, I don’t like having generic set bonus shared across all specs of the role type at all. To me it reminds me of the lazy days of how all the tier sets would just look the same for each roll instead of being class specific, really feels lazy even though I understand what they are trying to do with them here.

I personally don’t think the wording of “the healer casts” means any heal that a healer hard casts, because any heal that comes from the source of you the healer counts as a heal that you, the source of the heal, has casted. Even buffs like a HoT from a resto druid count as having casted a spell.

But the priest never casts atonement, ever. It is not a button that disc priests press.

Atonement is a buff that is applied via a healing spell such as renew.

This is why “one tier set for every class” will never work because every class functions so differently.

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Right, but I am pretty sure when you use buffs/debuffs in this game, it counts as having casted a spell.

So if you heal someone through a HoT or Atonement buff, the heal it casts on them through the buff might count as you the healer having casted a healing spell.

But we will have to see if that is how it actually works, we don’t know if it means “the healer casts” as the healer being the source of the healing ability, or if the healer has to hard cast the heal. If it is a hard cast, most healers are going to be screwed, then.

Okay listen , tier bonuses both the 2pc and 4pc NEED TO BE CLASS+SPEC Specific ROLE SPECIFIC set bonuses are boring and bland, you tried this in BFA and Shadowlands and it was RESOUNDINGLY DISLIKED, DO NOT REPEAT THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST if you want fun goblin casino themed set bonuses, be creative and figure it out! this is uninspired and just a bad decision

this entire tier set bonus thing gives off Shadowlands vibes and your number 1 goal as a WoW dev in 2024/2025 and beyond should be to NEVER MAKE A THING THAT GIVES OFF SHADOWLANDS VIBES, Shadowlands nearly killed the game anything that reminds me of it makes me less likely to play the game, go back to the drawing board and make 2pc and 4pc tier set bonuses class+spec specific a DK and Paladin should not share a tier bonus

you guys tried this in BFA and Shadowlands and you realized(after nearly 4 years of us complaining about this exact situation) during Sepulcher of the First Ones that trying to remove tier sets was bad so now your trying to backdoor removing tier set bonuses being unique to the class+spec

if you can’t figure out how to make a priest goblin casino themed tier set or a Resto Shaman themed one, go back to the drawing board and try harder

your “developer vision” might think this is cool and thats great, but as you can see from the many responses this is not what many players want


You are on the correct train of thought here but you are misunderstanding the mechanics of a heal such as atonement.

Does the game attribute atonement healing to the disc priest who initially healed the target, which placed the atonement buff on them?

Yes but that does not mean that atonement healing is a spell cast by the healer - it isn’t. Atonement is not a spell and it is never cast by a disc priest.

Again, this is why tier sets cannot be the same for every class.

To include atonement healing in this tier set, the wording would have to be something like “all healing attributed to the healer will have a chance to proc insurance.”

But then you run into the issue of healing/absorbs from trinkets applying insurance - which I don’t think blizzard wants?

Also has blizzard clarified whether or not absorbs can proc insurance or is it just raw healing?

Are absorbs such as power word shield included in the definition of healing spells? No idea.

Can we see any system or class changes planned?

I usually play the role of bitter cynic, but it seems we’ve got that covered already.

Patch actually looks pretty cool. Looking forward to it!

I DESPISE the very concept of making the 2pc bonuses generic, role-wide bonuses. It’s reeks of a lack of effort and defeats the entire purpose of tier set bonuses, which feels straight-up insulting considering how much people fought to get them added back after they were removed in BFA and much of Shadowlands.

I do not like sacrificing class fantasy. Nobody does. And that should be reflected by the fact that ultra-casual and ultra-hardcore players alike universally despise these generic 2pc bonuses.

Take this back to the drawing board. This ain’t it, chief.


Yes it is, it is a buff cast by the healer listed as the source of the spell. Atonement doesn’t exist as a buff without a source.

Consider that a shaman never “casts” the heals that Healing Tide totem applies to someone, but the source of the healing isn’t the totem, it is the shaman who owns the Healing Tide totem. That is why if you check the healing logs as a resto shaman there isn’t a separate healing source listed as “Healing Tide Totem”, it’s just you as the resto shaman as the source of the healing from Healing Tide Totem. It works the same for Atonement, you as the healer are the source of where the healing comes from, even if it comes from what counts as a buff, because you casted the buff.

Also this is what is listed on WoWhead:

2pc: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their targets that heals them for 805,686 over 15 sec. Insurance! is consumed if an ally drops below 40% health to heal them for 386,756.

Atonement healing 100% counts as “healing spells”.

Hey guys can we not do the typical Disc Priest thing of inserting themselves in to every conversation?

Half of what was said in this reveal is summed up into “We’re just too lazy!”

Tier set 2 pc bonus same for all roles = lazy
Stuck with Brann instead of some variety = lazy
Mythic pool being one of the worst = lazy

And just to add to that, even Mark himself in this video says “Sorry about Theatre of Pain” while he grimaces at talking about it?

That just screams lazy and the higher ups thinking it’s a great idea to spit on the player base by sticking them with the absolute worst dungeons they know most despise for mythics.

I won’t be surprised at all if by patch launch, they also go back on their word about raid opening 1 week after launch and story mode a week after that…

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