WoWCast: One-on-One With Chris Metzen

Hoping we ‘might’ see a new trailer on either the 22nd or 26th, but if we don’t we still have the upcoming shorts to watch.

The fact that the team was “democratized” explains a ton about why the story has been dog water lately.

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When teased about having a “kill list” of characters and why Khadgar seems to be right at the top of said list Chris said, and I am paraphrasing but it’s pretty close, “the easiest thing to do when trying to punctuate escalating stakes in a narrative arc is to pull a George Lucas and blow up a planet or kill a beloved character.”

He said it as if that’s not exactly what they’re planning to do in two days time with destroying Dalaran again like it’s a Death Star and likely killing Khadgar too. That really stood out to me because unless he was being completely tone deaf it either means that he disagreed with that direction but by the time he came on board it was too late to pull it back, OR despite appearances and clear evidence to the contrary neither of the aforementioned spoilers are coming to pass.

I really hope he wasn’t on board with that decision and maybe tried to take the edge off it somehow because it really was absolutely terrible writing.

52 in a month and a half for me. So many people forget about us and act like there was nothing between boomers and millenials.


I am a 67 yr old grandmother that will kick your butt in PVP LOL…I started in 2008 and have all over 410,000+ HK…just wonder how those Horde male ego’s would still standing if they ever found out they got their butt handed to them by a 60+ yr old Grandmother…haha :rofl: :joy:


so 17.0 will be interesting

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I’d really be interested in knowing where the average age for this game falls. I almost have the feeling that people in their early 30s might even be among the youngest, and that anyone under 30 is quite rare.

The king is back. :crown:

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It was actually a good interview and I enjoy what was said, especially in the dynamics of the creation which gives some insight into the choices that were made and that there is hope for the long term.

I really really hope that they have held back the good stuff to surprise the players, I really do.

And I wish they had asked and answered the question: How will this invigorate players who are feeling that the game story has been sorely lacking and had some large misses?

Because really, that’s the question I want answered.

When Scott Johnson asked Chris about his history making Thrall how he voiced him, and Chris’s response was until they find someone better. Chris we all know that there is no one better out there that can voice Thrall other than yourself no one could ever take that torch you so proudly carried all these years. God bless you man and it’s good to have you back (For the Horde).

Did anyone notice Chris kinda got quiet / didn’t bite when Tirion was brought up? I feel killing him was a decision he might not have fully agreed with

Metzen looks great with his head shaved.

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