i was just trying to playa little bit after a long day and this error start ocurring out of nowhere, is there any possible way to fix?
Are you getting it repeatedly even after doing this ^ step?
Yes i try almost every fix that suggest on the forum, from cache, WTF delete, ipv6 config through cmd, reinstall the game, battle net cache, all of then to no avail.
Your client likely needs updating. Fully shut down the computer for a few minutes, then try a Scan & Repair if the update doesn’t popup after loading Bnet again.
I also am having this issue, I followed the steps listed and no change. Any other things I might try?
This fun irritation started for me yesterday out of the blue. Wow worked great just the night before. Now and for the last 2 days ive done nothing but troubleshooting and nothing works.
last Blizzard tech troubleshooting complete. The tech help said if this does not help, then I have to contact my ISP. problem is, the ONLY thing that ISNT working is Wow.
Guess I’ll have to go find a different game to play.
If you are just renaming your cache folders etc without restarting your computer then you aren’t doing it correctly. If you haven’t followed the process properly this is what happens. Also I would seriously consider talking to your ISP about it as it could be caused by them. Not all ISP’s route traffic the same particularly for gamers as they usually get lower priority than business or government unless they specifically deal with gamers. Also are you using a firewall, if so then that could be your problem.
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