WoW would not be successful without Asmongold


So it’s impossible to dislike someone rich because what we really dislike is how much money they have. Interesting stance. Didn’t know rich people were so perfect.


Flagged for harassment of Asmongold, I know he’s not here to defend himself but I refuse to watch others get bullied.

Yet, out of all his viewers, how many of them actually play the games? I bet close to 5%. Also, people were already upset during that time. You’re giving him way more credit than he deserves…


that’s rich considering what a disgusting bully he himself is


true, there was a video i think he deleted where he was bullying a girl in vent during mists of pandaria and calling her a fat ___

i remember this video

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I like Zack a lot but that statement is so false

Imagine taking something out of of context to hate on Asmongold :man_facepalming:

The Anti-Asmon forum posters are in full effect today.

You haven’t been on the forums long if you think people are going to be nice all the time.

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it’s the same guy

As are the Pro-Asmon trolls. :rofl:


It’s now “disgusting” to be successful?? Do you Asmon haters also hate on rich people too because you can’t be like them?

Disgusting as a human being period and yet he has tons of sycophants blindly following him. :woman_facepalming:

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anyone can win the lottery and with more money than asmongold has currently. asmongold, i like the guys content, but he got there on luck. right time. and attitude. mostly luck

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He has impacted far more lives positively than you, sit down please and curb your jealously.

No he got there by grinding and working hard, he’s been at it for years but that’s fine you just like to blindly hate people more successful than you so it is what it is :dracthyr_shrug:

i’d say asmongold and i are equal in terms of capital

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Yeah I replied to the wrong person with that comment.

Jealous :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You couldn’t pay me enough to be like Asmondouche.


And he makes a big stink over things but can’t even stick to his own guns about it. Upset at this game and runs off to FFXIV, but as soon as any minor update comes out here. He runs back.

The guy is a clout chaser.