I am so disappointed that this has happened again… I was one of the people this seriously impacted summer 2018 and was so happy when they fixed it.
However, I went back to school and I haven’t played much at all this past school year—so it is really disheartening that when I decide to start playing again it’s back again as another impactful issue.
It’s sad to say but I don’t really want to play World of Warcraft if it no longer detects this mouse. I’ve been playing WoW with this mouse since 2010-2011.
I hope they are able to tackle this soon.
It still doesn’t work and stopped working for classic too 
Did anyone ever get this to work? I never saw another update from Blizzard and I’ve been limping along with a complexity of key binds. In PvE it’s adequate, but in PvP it’s been difficult. Anything?
Hey there Validorn,
As you mentioned in the original post, this is a particularly old mouse and due to dropping driver support for the mouse, we’ve given about as much help as we can at Blizzard. Tiapriestess and some of the other folks in the thread here mentioned some ideas for how to get this mouse to work, but in general if you’re not getting updated drivers for the hardware anymore, eventually it may start failing with certain programs.
Other mac users may be able to provide a bit more insight, but we’re going to have to bow out of this one because our typical work arounds for this type of issue haven’t helped, it seems. Best of luck with it at any rate.