I hear this a lot, and when new hyped MMORPG’s are on the horizon, the genre shouts, “WoW Killer”. A long time ago, I use to think the same thing.
When WoW was at the apex of the mmo genre, the industry sprouted out WoW clones which saturated the market and failed.
Pre WoW, from 1999-2005, the genre was thriving off their niche mmorpg. You had Everquest the hard core PVE, Dark Age of Camelot the Realm PVP, Ashron’s Call PVP, Star Wars Galaxy your sandbox PVE/PVP, Ultima Online your isometric MMO etc.
I believe the mmo genre is trending towards the niche market again and that is a good thing.
The design philosophy and lack of care that Blizzard currently has for WoW is anti-mmoRPG and designed towards eSport. Which makes the class design and class balance messy and causes a meta.
While I accept and want the mmo genre to go back to it’s roots of niche gaming, I think WoW will NEVER die. It will become like Everquest. There will always be a loyal player base, players will come back for moments in time to play the new expansion for 3 weeks to several months and call it quits again. WoW won’t be the pinnacle anymore and I think people should be okay with that.
With the genre trending towards niche mmo gameplay, this creates variety and competition with each other. That is a great thing. Then in turn, maybe Blizzard can reroute their design philosophy into something more quality.
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It’ll never die completely, but it will drop off eventually. The big thing is what you mentioned. Wow killers. There hasn’t been one until now. Every mmo has failed while wow succeeded. Now WoW is bleeding subs while another game (not naming names) is so full they had to stop selling copies. WoW will always have loyal fans that keep the game alive but it won’t be nearly as populated nor be the biggest mmorpg anymore.
Of course WoW will never die, it isn’t a living being capable of life or death.
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Never say never.
And right now blizz is riding on the coat tails of past development teams.
That wont last forever.
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It won’t die for sure.
Even if the game closes on the official site it’s just too embedded in our hearts/memories someone will keep it going.
Even with 1/2 the subs it has now it still would get way more $ than many other MMOs use to sustain themselves.
As a ex-gm for another game getting 1500 for a launch day event for a new server we’re great tidings in terms of expected engagement. In WoW a single Korthia phase usually has 50+ people in it and even while questing through a variety of older maps, gosh still see so many people.
With that said will my passion for the game in terms of playing it as I have the last few years wane out? Yes and that is perfectly fine, not a fault of the game which needs to change to survive but my own change in interests.
FFXIV is also sub based so as their numbers continue increasing they’re gonna beat out wow’s profits.
Yeah I mean three of my friends just joined it (they don’t play WoW though) so I’m tempted to join too.
It’s a decent game. I tried it. If I was able to get the endgame quicker I’d probably sub to that over wow but I really don’t want to play another game with a leveling grind. I just want to play max level content of games at this point
With that said, even if they do ‘take’ people and beat this game, WoW will still have a following big enough to sustain it for a very long time yet.
Maybe you and I will be elsewhere but there will be new Mawwalkers/Champions/Heroes.
There are many reasons why FF14 is successful. Their design philosophy is not toxic. They don’t allow third party addons or rating or anything of that nature to create a toxic atmosphere. There isn’t technically a meta because people play want they enjoy. (Which shows strong structural design). FF14 won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
I don’t think New World will be a large mmo because of their store debacle.
I think Ashes of Creation has a real opportunity to be a big competitor to FF14 and WoW. The core gameplay is super intriguing and new and seems as if the feel of your character is good.
Pantheon will be for the old school Everquest crew and will be a niche mmo.
Its a good thing to have strong mmo game titles for specific niches. I hope the genre keeps trending that way.
alive and thriving… wow4lyf
Who had to stop selling copies? Can you give us a hint at least? 
Edit: Oh boy, this was a necro!!!
I hate to disappoint you but everything dies. Eventually our own sun will die and take the planet with it (actually some time before that to be completely accurate). Our entire universe will at some point in the distant future wink out of existence. Such is the cycle.
I need more coffee.
(toddles off for more caffeine and a cookie)

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lol why u necro a 2yo thread?
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Earth will become uninhabitable well before the Sun swells up to a red giant. C3 photosynthesis is expected to be impossible in 500 million years, and C4 photosyntheses in 800 million, at which point the oxygen supply goes bye-bye.
WoW is unlikely to survive the subscription loss that will entail.
ETA: Feh on necros. Against that, “OMG WoW is dying” and its opposite are evergreen topics.
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Science is depressing. 
And terrifying too! Someone told me this morning that scientists found macro viruses (we need Janeway) in some lake somewhere with arms, feet and hair?
I’ll never sleep again!!!
If its structure is differentiated enough to have arms, feet, and hair, doesn’t that make it multicellular, and therefore by definition not a virus?
But then, viruses are weird.
I don’t know about that. I’ll ask them for their source when I see them again later today. If they have one, I’ll let you know.
Bud light will never die and always be number one
Ohh wait
Now they cant even make the top 10.
wow does have a serious problem
It is miserably for new players and returning players. They focused the game on no lifers and players who played this about 20 years as if it was a job. Which means once this old base become medically unable to play. Mainly because of type 2 diabetes and severe metabolic disorder due to eating sugar and high amount of carbs. They will not be physically able to keep up. Hands and feet feel like hot needles stinging them all the time( really bad before sleeping and sleeping). Large amounts of half dead thick skin on bottom of feet with constant bacteria infection. Fingers and hands becoming numb and a lot of twitching. And brain fog getting worse daily.
Because they focused so much on them they kept raising the ceiling of the game higher an higher. While the bottom remains the same. Just miserable and to much for new and returning players. Once these old players age out with medical problems there are no replacement coming in as fast.
WOW may never die but it can be reduced to barely existing
WOW needs a massive reset if it wants to see a golden era again and focus on new players
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