graphics are not the issue really. WoW has a good and timeless artstyle. What is needed is the models to be updated.
The engine isn’t a limiting factor at this point still. It is just how development resources are being used. Hopefully they take some design decisions from reforged in regards to future armor.
I’m hoping they one day update the engine and graphics but without having to do a WoW 2. Just rolling it into a pre-patch or something like a rebrand. The moonkin on Reforged looks outstanding.
Don’t forget that Warcraft and WoW have different styles as well. I can’t put my finger on it but WoW always seemed to have a softer or cuter look from Warcraft. Maybe it was just the tone of the games?
Ive always said despite wow being so old I love its art style. I saw wc3 reforged live at blizzcon last year and it looked good but I was upset with the art style.
I was dead wrong.
The more I see the more I drool. The borde units namely the blademaster made my jaw drop
Quite honestly this reminds me of old-school Blizzard that put in the time and effort to do everything 110% and polish everything to an absurd degree. The WC3 Reforged devs are passionate about what they are doing and it shows in the models and even when they were doing panels at last Blizzcon.
Yep, and a lot of people forget WoW’s Alpha was created using the WC3 engine also, so I’d say it’s definitely possible for a “Realm Reborn” treatment to come to WoW down the road. It’d be more plausible than a new MMO, which I suspect a lot of people would not try due to a reluctance to “trust Blizzard for another 15 years”.
Retaining players investment in the game to this point is how they’ll sell the next expansion. Asking everyone to trust them and start fresh… well that went well for Classic, now didn’t it? As I said with Classic many times before it was even announced; coulda, shoulda been a Caverns of Time Portal, Alternative to leveling in the Cataclysm era game world.