WoW vs. FF14

I don’t know why FF14 decided to handle their animations the way they did. Server side, it’s largely the same as WoW. It’s all instant, but the animations happen after things happen. You can basically die but you won’t find out until after animations resolve lol.


If i recall correctly, there’s two reasons the server side lag exists.

One, to reduce server load… Yes, SE is so good to their players, however they won’t give the game the appropriate server infrastructure to play the game. So what they do is separate instanced zones and cities into what I like to personally call “blocks”, it’s not truly an open world experience. But even with these blocks, the servers still struggle. The game’s not even consistent with its ping. Let’s say you used a MCH ability, let’s say split shot. If you record footage, you may find that the ability timing is “slightly off” compared to the rest of the times you used that ability. A lot of players resorted to using VPN’s to play the game for better ping and honestly it’s sad.

The second reason. Which is a stupid one at that, is it’s that games version of “spell batching”. For those of you who do not know what spell batching is, it’s basically a jerry rig to allow players with higher ping to keep up with the players that have low ping. This existed back in the “glory days” because internet connections varied far and wide, however nowadays it’s closing that gap further and further.


It’s kind of hard to compare the two because FF14 doesn’t have a bunch of system grinds like WoW does.

You also have weekly lockouts on the most current gear in FF14, so being able to change classes easily is oversold a little bit. You aren’t going to be gearing up multiple classes with current gear at the same time.

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Two different games, no reason to compare them.
Enjoy both of them.


I’ve said this on some other threads, but there is absolutely 0 reason why reputation, currency, and story quests shouldn’t be account wide in WoW.


I like how both games handle their alts classes/jobs.

I like everything on one character in FFXIV because of how linear the story is. Having alts like WoW would be horrible for me in that game. I also like that each job has its own story for the most part.

I like how WoW handled alts prior to Shadowlands, because it wasn’t a linear story. The linear story in Shadowlands is probably one thing that makes me hate alts right now, TBH. But before this expansion it was great, IMO.

I just wish WoW had more reasons to invest in alts. Class-based rewards were that for the bulk of the game’s life. Tier sets were always a thing until BFA, and I noticed my willingness to play alts take a nosedive following Legion. Also, Legion was the best alt playground WoW ever gave me. I wish they’d return to telling class stories, and giving us class-themed rewards.

This change that they made in BFA where everything is generic to the raid or the overall expansion was the worst thing they ever did IMO. Covenant stuff isn’t the same, because the theme is temporary and not something I’ve been invested in.

MoP WoW, specifically. Quite distinct from modern WoW.


One thing I’ve noticed on Twitter is that a lot of the WoW personalities I’ve been following (Zorbrix, Lore, etc…) are currently also playing FFXIV, too.

I can only hope the dev team is giving it a look, too. This game was great when they were feeding off of each other, which was happening a little before and around Legion.

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It’s the players that do it, and it’s done here too. OR have you not seen a gnome.

I don’t do Twitter, so that’s a little surprising to learn. Makes me a little hopeful.

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It’s General Discussion on Adderall.


Depends on who/what you follow. A custom feed is always better than a community chat pool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than story missions, nothing is really mandatory in FF. Even that’s only mandatory to a degree. You’d be amazed how more motivated people are to do X when it’s not a requirement to do Y. The variety of combat is better IMO. Duties comprise Dungeons & Raids while Trials are single boss fights that are pretty fun. Their PVP is mediocre and the combat mechanics aren’t as good but you never feel like you’ve wasted your time. You feel like you can log on, play for an hour and really make progress on your character. That’s a lot more rare in WoW.


I deleted my account about a year ago. Politics are dragged into every nook and cranny of that platform, and it just gets old after awhile. I still browse it from time to time, but without an account, so I can avoid responding to some of the arguments.


I think that if you like FF14, you should go play FF14. Stop comparing games.


No way, man! Compare the hell out of these games.

Just be constructive with it and it might help shape some things down the line.

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Sometimes I want to play a different toon. FF14 doesn’t seem to have much of anything (if anything at all) that’s account wide because you can do everything on one toon. Granted, there is no real need to have multiple toons, so it isn’t important, but I just like having a change of pace and playing an actual alt once in a while. It bugs me a little that I can’t have an alt in FF14 without starting over completely again from scrath. WoW doesn’t have enough account-wide progression considering that each toon can only be 1 class out of 12 instead of 1 character for everything.

I miss the days prior to Legion where it was straightforward to level and gear alts without any azerite/artifacts/covenant nonsense to grind on every single toon.


Gnome doesn’t look like a child breh. Falafels look like babies.

Not just me saying that. Even popular streamers refer to them as the children race. Breh breh.

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Yeah, it sure does. That’s why it makes you run around talking to NPCs across the planet for 45 minutes before you get to actually attack anything, then you attack something and run around for another 45 mins. So bad.

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If you want to play a mmo with good graphics, play ESO. FF14 isn’t even close.