I’ll throw this idea a bone.
Playing as a skeleton is my dream. I never get why people wanted to play a full flesh human like Nathanos. More flesh undead model ok, but full flesh human model???
They really need to add this option. There are models that exist already and for a lot of races. Why not let undead be fully decomposed. They already messed up their lore and leader at least give them a bone. non intended pun
I’d rather play a full skeleton, no flesh just bone with armor on it.
would be awesome to see this as a shadowlands customization
I’ve always wanted this!
that would be cool. Flesh is weak
that would make a great re-skin for the alliance. left for “dead” by the horde, they turn to alliance for revenge.
I think a full flesh human model for the forsaken would be fair. I don’t think of Nathanos when offering that. Who comes to mind however is Derek Proudmoore, someone that wasn’t enhanced by the Val’kyr. Perhaps there is another reason, but I do not see why other risen forsaken didn’t have similar reasons for looking as they did when they were alive.
I know this isn’t agreeable with some, but as a heavily Alliance leaning player, I’d be perfectly fine with the Horde having the option.
I support this if only so I can laugh at my apprentice’s new appearance later.
I think it’d be cool, but I’d also want an option to replace some of my fleshy bits with just bone like an arm, leg, etc.
Yes, please.
Yes! Full skeleton for forsaken! And yeah a body like nathanos too, let’s get diverse stages of decay
This would be great. But Actiblizz doesn’t want to upset the China.
I’m all for this, but only for undead hunters and DKs.
I think a full Skeleton model would be cool, as well as a Derek Proudmoore model. I would prefer the Derek Proudmoore model more however. Paying real money for anyone who can recommend a great Chiropractor for my hunched over spine problem.
I would like partial skeleton models. Like with the mechagnomes, have whole limbs replaced with skeletal parts.
Yes. Free the bones.
I would love to be a skele spooky man