WoW tv show by makers of GoT

Dumb and dumber arent included in that team. They signed with netflix…unless they were fired from there too like they were with Disney.

It was a real success in China. Enough that a second one is expected.

Otherwise, the Goldshire jokes capture the difficulty of a GoT approach to WoW.

TikTok mid-expansion patch.

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They were contractually obligated to get to George’s ending.

They didn’t ruin anything.

George ruined his own ending because The Twist/surprising his audience, is more important to him than being true to the characters and world he established.

It’s why the entire book series is written via Unreliable Narrator.

The first 3 books are great. Books 4 & 5 are a hot mess of red herrings and plot misdirections (which the GoT show runners cleaned up and fixed), because by then everyone had reread the first 3 books having to wait years in between getting the next one, and realized George had hidden the answer to The Great Mystery™ in plain sight in the first book.

And in spite of the mess the books had turned into (I’ll be surprised if books 6 and 7 are ever published, since it’s now been a decade since book 5 was released), GoT is the most awarded television series of all time with 376 wins and 608 nominations.

George is brilliant at world building. But his signature hook/style of having unexpected twists did a gross disservice to ASOIAF. But that’s my opinion. It’s not my story.

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The movie was very fast paced, and made Kahdgar exactly the way that I’d imagined him when he was younger.

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Orcs to azeroth is important but they should have picked something of more interest as the story. Arthas of course. War of the ancients. Whatever war number when stormwind was sacked. One of those would have been better movie.

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Granted. But the highest quality episodes are at GoT Season 8 quality.

One of the fingers on the monkey paw curls up.

Thats because they were basically taking directly from the books. Look at season 8 to see what those creators are really capable of


If season 8 hadn’t been a complete crapshoot, people would be rewatching the hell out of GoT right now.

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There isn’t enough lore in wow for a good show or movie, imo. But plenty of lore for several one player games.

I think a WOW TV show would be too expensive. GOT works because it’s mostly humans. And LOTR is a lot of prosthetics and practical effects. WOW is full of cgi everywhere.


Methinks that it would be made, but would only last one season, due to the cost, much like the Fox TV series entitled Terra Nova.

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No second movie is expected. And it was a success in China in no small part because state owned and/or controlled agencies in charge of pretty well every aspect of distribution and display of movies engaged in a massive campaign to make it so, including dedication of the large majority of its screens to the movie, and the bulk purchase and redistribution of tickets.

Didn’t work out then, and they’re not going to do that again.

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WoW has interesting characters but the stories are absurd (as proven by the movie) and designed for video games not TV drama. Anyone doing a WoW TV show would have to rewrite half of everything just so outside people can understand how someone with a sword and shield does battle against space goats, dwarves with muskets, the undead, and titans the size of a planet.

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i fear what such a thing could become most of the time things like this get put in the hands of people that don’t really understand what it’s all about and we get something like dragonball evolution

Apparently you didn’t read the books.

The books did have sex and violence but it didn’t heavily depend on it. The show made it more rampant and it pretty much turned off many people from reading the books.

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I would think WoW tv shows can be handled by The Last Kingdom team too. Its a great show.

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I’m seeing both now, interesting. That might explain why the director went from so forceful about a trilogy to being quiet recently.

Ahem: I am still waiting on my Stephen King The Dark Tower series. Both of these had movies based off the source material.

Only one of them was awesome in my honest opinion. (Warcraft.)

So maybe eventually.