WoW token prices skyrocketing on WOTLKC

Explain to me how supply can be “low.” I’ll give you a minute to think about what you said before responding…

And the token is under 8k on Bene atm… So for the price of 1 GDKP run I can buy a month of game time? Heck… if I’d known this was coming I woulda run a lot more GDkp’s…

Follow up question: Can you still redeem WOW tokens for Blizzard credit? Cause D4 is coming soon. (I see that you can’t… So basically all I can do with all this gold is buy more game-time :/…)

Yeah and you can also earn gold much much faster in retail so i think this is a pretty moot point.

Im pretty sure these are not server based prices.

Ah really? I thought in retail it was based off clusters or something but you may be right.

It started at 11k at one point after drop.

When I could get home to buy I got mine at 9.1K. at some point waiting to get paid it was in the 7’s when I checked the AH.

Side note…the auction stays at the price you got quoted. If it drops, the price stays. I still got my 9.1k gold with the AH this morning in the 8k’s.

Interesting that they were there to adjsut this that fast. Retail only seems to adjsut to major events like patches and the usual spikes in price in prelude weeks.

Was over 11k yesterday on faera and now it’s only 8k today.

I’ve been gone since last week (work) and really have not paid attention to anything new.

This is going to send some straight into the toxic abyss. This is going to make for some fun reading over the next few weeks at least.

I wish they would just ban you for advertising gold buying and private servers already

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A token isn’t created, and can’t be created, until there’s a buyer with $20 who goes ahead and purchases one. That’s how supply can be low. The supply in question is the number being sold on the auction house, by people who purchased one (or more) and are looking to exchange game time for gold.

No reason to reason with Bearhands, he is anti-blizzard. Literal waste of time.

Lol please keep repeating that. I have literally thousands of posts on the classic forums. Pretty sure no one has ever accused me of being “anti-blizzard” but thanks for making it obvious you have zero idea what you’re talking about.

Def not anti blizz as normally we are on the same page. But this one he is really off base.

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it seems like you’re saying what heavywood already said:

Obviously not since the price isn’t going up and it is going down.

Therefore supply isn’t low.

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i saw on westfall it was only 3,000g

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It’s region wide. Every server has the same price in NA.

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