WoW token prices skyrocketing on WOTLKC

Seems to be a massive success as the demand for the WOTLKC WoW Token is way higher than the current supply. If youre smart youll wait for it to plateud before buying it. I expect given current trajectories for the WoW token to hit 20k gold by the time the weekend GDKPs roll around.

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Bro, the price goes up when there is low supply. It was only 8k over night.


do you actually check things before you post?


Nope. Not at all.

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7.3k now on Atiesh and falling.

The Venezuelans are still in business!

Is this financial advice?

Bots just need to crank out more gold at cheaper prices.

What are tokens going for in retail? Since, it works for both games, except there is no bot control in classic…what a cluster…lol

retail tokens right now are around 330k

because of fewer people needing to swap gold between retail and classic, retail gold has become more valuable

We profiting

So, tokens bring retail players over to classic to buy cheaper tokens…but they are not going to want to farm the gold. Hence, more gold buying incoming, which supports more bots. Soon tokens in classic cost what they do in retail.

Good for blizzard, bad for customers.

I see you have a lot of stock in tin foil hats.

Retail players have no interest in playing classic unless they’re already here, and retail tokens provide Bnet balance money.

Im seeing 251K gold… you looking at EU or something?

I couldn’t log into NA to check, but yeah EU prices. Retail looks to be around 251 according to the bot

trading discords seem to be holding on trading because the classic token is in such flux

Yup its complete chaos… gonna need a bit to even out.

Right now illegal gold is 60% cheaper than the token. Youd be a sucker to buy one with IRL cash in classic lol


Classic maybe, but WOTLKC is full of retail players. Almost everybody in my retail raiding guild has a 80 on Wrath.

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I mean, Blizzard can make the token valued at whatever the hell they want to ‘suggest’ the value of the token. I wholeheartedly don’t believe it’s worth much since most players can see the classic team doesn’t have a plan beyond ICC.

What’s the point of adding subscription time on a game with a visualized lifespan?

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good for you, I only know a handful of people who pay DF even slightly seriously. Classic players think about retail a hell of a lot more than they think about you.

What does this even mean in English lmao

sound it out

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