Your argument is meaningless because your choice of mount to compare is purely arbitrary.
I can buy a much more useful mount (mammoth) for ~16,000 gold or a Yak for ~120,000 gold - or any one of dozens of mounts for 1 gold each.
Nobody is playing for free. Every token used is paid for, and Blizzard makes a profit on each sale. If a greengrocer pays for his apples with Euros and I buy them from him for dollars I am not getting them free just because I’m using a different currency.
I can no more understand why a “grown man” wold pay $20 of his hard earned money to buy gold in a game at all than I can understand why a “grown man” can’t understand supply and demand.
All I hear from you is: “I’m not listening, I’m just going to keep whining about the gold I want to buy.”
They kind of did for me, a “Specialist” Game Master helped me. . They said they can’t offer partial refunds, but they give me game time instead for the difference, which is kind of cool they did that.
It’s ok, I don’t have any expectations of you to understand me anymore than I do you. For example, you’re rude to someone for no reason at all, and I don’t do that.
I’m terribly sorry if you thought I was being rude to you. That was never my intention.
I’m just surprised that you imply you’re an adult, keep protesting you want more gold, keep asking the same questions over and over in multiple threads, keep nitpicking at answers as though you’re unable to see what is meant, and still insist you cannot understand the most basic lesson in economics, supply and demand.
It’s ok, I forgive you. Honestly, you’d be shocked how many people are rude online without reason or care, so it happens. I can understand your surprise, but it is likely due to an inability to empathize. Even if a concept is something you can understand, whether easily or through study, does not mean everyone has an easy time understanding it.
As far as expressing my opinions and ideas on gold, I think there’s no better place to do that than on a forum belonging to the game I am wanting to discuss. Otherwise, I’d head out of here and express myself elsewhere.
The warframe vendor mount in Argus was 500k. Remember? 333k<500k using your logic for vendor mounts, it seems to be going in the same direction. WoW tokens gave more gold in Legion when the mount was 500k.
The token itself is worth $20 to Blizzard. The amount of gold you get for that same $20 is a reflection of the in game economy. As they continue to drain the excess gold out of the game, individual units of gold have more purchasing power in game. The WoW economy doesn’t necessarily work in the same way RL economies do. Supply and demand are not the only determining factors and only Blizzard actually knows what the actual supply and demand is.
Through all this, I figured out that my issue was that I was thinking of buying gold in WoW like buying an item in the game shop. I was thinking about it like purchasing something I am going to use in the game. So, my issue was that I was thinking, ok if a token was $20 in Legion for 300k gold, and this “Insert Shop Mount or WoW service” was say $20 in Legion, then if the token is still $20 but one gets only 100k, then the “Insert Mount or WoW service” should now cost $60.
I’ve already come to understand that there are actually people that look at that and say, “Hmm, I have to pay $60 to get the same amount of gold that I only paid $20 for last time”, and I have come to understand that I am def not one of those people! lol So, it’s fine.
As I said, I’ll wait until some day when my real world money buys an amount of gold that is at least as much as it was or better, that’s all. In the meantime, other people will shell out the same amount for a third of it. It makes no sense, but if they want to spend three times as much, that’s on them to choose to!
Look at it this way. What used to take 200k gold to buy in game, now only takes 100k gold. Obviously, the AH tycoons and carry groups haven’t figured that out yet and still demand Legion “raining gold” prices.
To some people, real world money is that ‘worthless.’ To some people, in-game gold is that ‘worthless,’ that a 66.6% reduction in value doesn’t matter.
Happens a lot with whales in the mobile market. They sink thousands into gacha/RNG stuff for time-limited characters etc…and for what? The next month a new one will come along and render their current one obsolete as the ‘meta’ shifts.
But again…some people just don’t care about the money.
But it doesn’t for me. See, I don’t buy things on the AH. I simply don’t because I am not a high end raider or anything. I am a casual player that likes making a lot of alts and getting a bunch of transmog. I only buy things from NPC’s like mounts or heirlooms. Therefore, my “market” in BfA has only increased in amount. Everything NPC’s sale is much higher in BfA than it was in Legion. That was another issue I was missing. Apparently most people are buying gold for the stuff I don’t care about or purchase.
That’s one of the ways Blizzard is trying to evaporate the excess gold. Like I said before, when you buy a BoP item from a vendor, that gold goes poof and never goes into other players hands. It vanishes in thin air.
I use the AH and services of players to try and see what the economy is really doing. The 5m gold mount is an obvious gold sink to remove gold from the economy just as the multiple 300k frog mounts are. Warframe was still 500k in Legion though. So it’s not way out of line.
Edit: Also, the transmog mount was 100k in MoP and that was super expensive at the time for the majority of players. Most players did not get that mount until well into WoD! Granted, there were no WoW tokens back then either.
If you say so, those are things I’d like to buy, but I’d be doing it buy purchasing gold, which, I won’t do since the tokens are worth so much less. From my angle it means all those mounts are triple the amount that they are marked as. I’ll get them someday. I’m an older guy, so I am patient. Eventually gold will be back up to levels that are reasonable for me and I’ll buy a bunch and buy all my mounts and what not. The player economy does not even affect me or what I am doing- except in an apparently negative way lol
It’s your $20 and ultimately you decide what you think your Jackson is worth. I’m no spring chicken myself, but I try and use the AH to my advantage to make gold. I’m the opposite of you, I purchase tokens with gold to pay for game time. Not that I can’t, but why not? What else am I going to do with my gold? Definitely not purchasing a $5m mount lol.
Yep, see, for me, I will go months without even logging in. Like, for example, when the expansions come out, I get them and then finish off the pathfinder achievements, and then I sit around and have to wait until the “.2” patches so that I can fly. THEN I come back to the game, usually bought a lot of gold, and level all my alts (I have 30 of them at lvl 111 just waiting for flying).
So, since I go- well, I guess this expansion it will be almost a year after release that we fly, so I’ll come back when that happens. Only, it does not look like I’ll get gold. I was actually going to come back right now and upgrade my heirlooms, but since I have to pay so much again, I thought I’d buy tokens- saw how worthless they had become since my last purchase, and got very confused. And- here we are! lol
I feel you on the flight thing. I got so bored I leveled all my alts up to 120, mostly through the assaults just because I am not feeling the raid and M+ scene this expansion. I wish Blizzard would do a 180 on flight and bring it in early in the expansion but they’ve got nothing better to do than make the players who don’t spend all their time in instances suffer.
Not even close for me. For example the frog mounts are 333k! So, def my gold does not go as far, but I don’t buy anything on the AH. 200k buys me much, much less in BfA than it did Legion.
Alright then the relative value of gold has stayed the same since Legion when the tokens were up to 200k+
The relative inflation in the AH markets has gone down since Legion (mostly becuase there is simply less liquid gold flowing between consmers and producers) and the relative value of each unit of Gold has gone up. Individual players don’t make as much gold to serve the market (farwell Legion Order Hall Missions).
I think the problem in the thread here can be compared to a view of the markets, some look at the AH markets and some just look at raw sinks.
Again, the AH means nothing to me at all. I could care less about it. But, I do appreciate you chatting with me. Others already explained to me that I am not the target audience for purchasing gold. It’s people paying the same amount but getting a third less- and buying things on the AH.
I don’t see it as the relative value of gold from my angle. From my relative perspective it was the value of a $20 bill to Blizzard lol
I think we will never see those high gold prices again. Remember peoples; the economic rules of supply and demand do NOT apply to wow tokens. Token prices are determined by blizz.