WoW token on the rise, maybe

It will probably get a 10-15% bump temporarily.


RIP. I factioned & character transferred a toon yesterday.


As soon as they are 250k again (which is when I bought them in Legion), I’ll purchase several again. Otherwise, I am not paying $20 for much less gold. Especially when gold is even harder to obtain now! lol It’s value on tokens should be higher than it was in Legion, not lower.


I’ve heard Blizz will often retroactively apply a discount if you put a ticket in.


I’ve been meaning to Race Change one of my Draenei into a Lightforged for story reasons for a while…guess now is a good time to do so!

I hope it gets this high.

expect it to rise when there is an increase in players in game. So when patches and new xpacs come out is most likely the time they will increase in price.

But I wouldn’t expect them to rise as much as they did in legion

They were higher in Legion because gold was worth less in Legion. Gold was thrown at you like purple drops in BFA.

When your currency is devalued, you have to spend more of it to get the same.

You get easily get 300-350k a month in Legion doing next to nothing. Mostly just keeping your mission table going.


Yeah, that’s why this originally did not make sense to me (and still doesn’t) but as it was explained to me, the tokens do not actually exist for people like me. So:

My Thinking:

There is less gold on BfA, therefore, people will be buying these tokens WAY more than in Legion. Blizz makes $5 more on a token sale than they do on a monthly sub (which is what the guy buying the token for gold gets). Ergo, they will make a token worth MORE than it was in Legion so that they sale WAY more tokens making them and their corporate overlords richer and getting me my gold.

The reality as explained to me on this post:

The target audience for the tokens is NOT the guys buying it for gold. The target audience are the guys not paying for their subscription. Therefore, with less people playing, and with tokens being worth almost a third less gold, Blizz makes way less token sales and the guys getting to play for free only have to make 110 k or so to play for free.

My conclusion:

This is counter-intuitive both towards the consumer that wants to give a corporation money, and counter-intuitive for a corporation to want to support as many people as possible to play the game without paying. So, I have stopped trying to make sense of this at all lol

Its supply and demand. There is no “target audience”.

When there is less gold in the system, but people buy the same amount of tokens to sell, the price will go down.

The price goes up when there is more gold in the system, and there are the same amount of tokens being bought (with real life money) to be sold.

Right now, more people are buying tokens (with IRL $) than people buying them with in game gold. That causes the price to do down.

How is anything counter-intuitive? The price is set by the playerbase.

Making 110k now is harder than making 250k in Legion. 110k BFA Gold is worth more than 250k Legion gold.


Yeah man, like I said, makes no sense why a corporation would leave massive quantities of revenue on the table, but, meh. I’ll just keep waiting until they are worth at least as much as they were in Legion and Blizz will get a couple of hundred bucks from me again. Otherwise, I’m paying the same amount for a third less gold and that would be as insane as this token system is.

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How are they leaving massive quantities of revenue on the table?

They wont be worth as much as they were in Legion because BFA doesn’t spoonfeed you gold for just logging in.

BFA gold > Legion gold. Its not a 1g = 1g value system. Inflation, deflation happens.


Oh, they are leaving money on the table because no one in their right mind would pay $20 for one-third the amount of gold that they could get a year ago. Therefore, by allowing the price of tokens to drop so low like some kind of recession, the guys that were spending real world money for gold, won’t buy the gold.

The harder gold is to get in the game, the more gold the tokens should be worth. Otherwise, the $20 should also fluctuate with the supply and demand. The real world money is the thing a corporation or business should be after. This system is based around a fantasy currency, but the real world money I pay stays the same. It’s counter productive. What type of a person would derp on here and say “Please take my same $20 for 100k worth of gold instead of 300k worth of gold!” Especially on an expansion with less gold! lol

“by allowing”?

So they should flood the game with gold again? I mean…it was direct player feedback that caused them to dry up the gold a bit.

Or are you saying they should influence the gold price, rather than let the playerbase do it?

No, both things can’t fluctuate, only one can. The IRL value is fixed, the gold price fluctuates.

When the value of gold is higher (like it is now), it means gold has more spending power. Which means you need less gold to buy the same stuff. The value of 1 piece of gold is higher now than it was in Legion.

This is how it works in economies. You see this happen in real life as well.

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I thought I have read that Blizz does actually have to come in and tinker with it. Anyway, I’m not going to comprehend the system, though I appreciate you spending this time to try and help me (other have before), but clearly, the system is intended to help make gold worth less and; therefore, vicariously, to help those not paying for subscriptions by making tokens worth less gold. I get it. It promotes people playing for free and keeps guys like me from shelling out $20. It’s just weird to me and I’ll never understand it.

The price is 100% based on supply/demand.

If more people are buying tokens with irl money to sell for gold, compared to the people buying them with gold…the price goes down.

If there are more people buying with gold than people are buying with IRL dollars, the price goes up.

This is why it spikes around big announcements. Example, when CoD was released on Bnet. The price spiked. More people were buying tokens with in game gold, to shift the tokens into Bnet balance to purchase CoD.

The system of buying/selling tokens is not intended to make gold worth less or more. Its neutral

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Nobody plays for free because every token used is originally paid for with dollars. That’s how they get into the game. People buying gold with cash are funding players who want the equivalent of cash for gold.

As for how tokens work, it’s basically a free market.

Imagine taking an ice-cream van to to a hot beach. Your sales will depend on how much competition you have from other ice-cream vans, now many sunbathers want to buy ice-creams, and how much money these sunbathers have.

Tokens are just as much a commodity as ice-creams. Richer consumers can pay more. You’ve already realised that consumers in BfA are less rich than in Legion so they cannot and will not pay as much. The lack of gold in BfA has also led to more players buying tokens with cash to get gold, and fewer players buying with gold, thus flooding the market and causing prices to drop.

Insisting you should get more gold for your token because the gold supply has shrunk is like wanting to sell your house for twice as much because the housing market is depressed. In the real world you’re free to try, but potential buyers will just laugh at you.

As for who the tokens are aimed at, the answer is simple. They are aimed at Blizzard, to make themselves more profits. And they cannot make profits on tokens if the token gold price is set out of players’ current range. It works for you as buying gold, but that’s just one part of the cycle. Jam up the cycle by charging more gold than people can play and if grinds to a stop.

Again, if you say so! I won’t argue with you, I see it differently is all. Thanks for trying yet again though to explain it. Based on what you are saying there are 3 times more people buying tokens for twenty dollars while getting one third of the gold for them, which I don’t believe (I don’t even know if as many players total are playing the game as were a year ago). Like I said, there’s no way guys are spending $20 of their real world money on such little amounts of gold. It would be insane to do so, and you are saying three times the number are (since gold is worth 3 times less). I don’t buy it (the concept or the gold! lol)

I don’t know where you get that number from. Thats not how it works.

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