Wow token is the excuse they give for restrictions on accounts

This is a real response i got from a real person in charge of the bots in customer support.

" Thanks to it, we can maintain the price of the WoW Token more balanced and accessible for many players!"

Wow token price > than actually having a playable game.

Idgaf about wow tokens.

If anything this should have been removed for fresh launch. Im just going to unsub at this point. My experience has already been ruined.

The biggest change they made was literally never talked about. It wasnt removing gdkp or adding dual spec. It was making the game an rpg instead of a mmo


were you this enthusiastic about lifting the GDKP ban? if not you are a hypocrite :expressionless:

F gdkp. Get that ish out and unrestrict 10s of thousands of people that want to play.

This isnt some random game.

This is fresh classic and the biggest change they made was literally never talked about. It wasnt removing gdkp or adding dual spec. It was making the game an rpg instead of a mmo. But only giving you your bagd and bank for space.

if you support the gdkp ban then you must support new account restrictions on trading :expressionless: they are both policies to fight gold buyers


You’re a troll.

We asked for gdkp ban. They implemented the restrictions.

Notice how when we get what we ask dor things get better? When they do things on their own it gets worse?

I didnt gie a f about bots in 2019 because i could trade and play the game. I want that.

Idc if theres 100 bots in my laye. Its better than literally being a bot too since i cant play the fing game.

You’re a troll amd thats all the time you get

you are a hypocrite :expressionless:

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You’re a troll and stupid

The stupid part gavenyou some extra time.

If gdkp are gone than so is majority of gold buying. We didn’t have gdkp on vanilla launch.

Being against gdkp and against the restrictions makes more sense. Youre just salty you cant rnt

oh if only that were true :expressionless: sadly, we must make additional sacrifices in the war on RMT

Does not exist in the Vanilla / Fresh versions of the game.

So WTH is the restriction doing?

We were told it was to trim the gold sellers / buyers a bit in SoD because the SoD players are gold buyers big time.

We were told that it was going to be restricted to Soddies, yet it leaked into Era, now its hurting Fresh.

GG well played.

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Well thats their response.

This restriction was meant for sod and non era versions of the game but they put it in era as another leak over change.

You ever see peoe saying " trade era, hc, sod, gold for cata or retail gold"?

Thats most likely a hacked accout trying to get gold on another account for gold thats not theirs.

Back in my day, when someone’s account was hacked we said f it, youre stupid, get the gold back by grinding.

It makes sense why theybused that response but also idgaf about wow token and i wish it never existed

So basically, in respinse to myblast reply the wow token is why this exists.

Another feature thatbshiuld have never existed

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The h are you talking about dude

Oh is it time for Sunday posting already?

But the account restriction is literally to restrict gold buying/selling so they are in the same boat.

Realistically if you really cared about anti rmt you would be asking for the AH to be removed

GDKP isn’t coded into the game

the trade and ah are

simple as

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Neither is 2 sr runs. Neither is DKP. Neither is hard res

The only system coded is rolls.

So technically 2sr isn’t coded either

It’s easy to tell you don’t actually care about rmt unless you don’t like it.

bruh. i think loot should be personal loot. if a dungeon item drops it should drop in your bag and if you want to trade it after that it’s up to you. but why tf not make it all soulbound to stop gdkp.

idc about anything like reserves and avoid them.

even retail removed personal loot.

please go play hello kitty adventure island instead

yeah and people hate retail

guess which expansion was the most beloved and which expansion had the best loot system. hint " they’re the same expansion"

so why do you want retail systems?

most beloved yet they still removed the personal loot.

ive got a better idea just go play sod

1st. it’s not a retail system. it’s technically a classic system at this point or soon when they relaunch it.

  1. don’t ever tell me to play season of dog ish.
  2. gtfoh. you’re not being constructive in any way. i think you jsut had a bad day and are taking it out on me.