Wow, they managed to make the launcher even more annoying

Yeah the new launcher is basically worse in every single way.

Ease of use seems to have decreased
And seems to lag my system by constantly loading videos.

But I’m sure some clown in the accounting department got a raise for suggesting it be all of those things because it soaks up more eyeballs on ads time.


You know you can launch your game directly from the executable and never use the launcher at all.

I only ever use it to update. I have it set to exit on launch. The rest of the time, I bypass it altogether.

Yes, its annoying advertising. No, its not a big deal.

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You don’t have to use the launcher. Just go into the file folder and transfer the “WoW” folder to your bottom bar, then you’ll just have to enter your email/pw , by passing the launcher all together.

Thank me later.

This is what happens when the creative people are driven out of a company, and marketing takes over.


you actually look at your launcher? all i see on mine is the play button and friends list. dunno what the rest of the stuff says

How bad at your job do you have to be to make a launcher that takes significantly longer to load than the actual game? You can load the game, log in and be in the world before the launcher has even finished loading. And I have all WoW on an SSD!


It’s “millennial better”. That’s when you “fix” something that isn’t broken and make it worse, generally in every way. Like the new FB.


And specifically China!

I mean, uhhh… crap. Inb4 redacted.

Even easier than that, make a link to the executable (WoW.exe) and launch the game directly.

You can also set BattleNet to exit upon game launch.

I honestly can’t think of a better way to describe the Blizzard of about the last 10 years.


Personally, I don’t like it. The part I actually use is only a tiny fraction of the whole thing.

Why advertise a bunch of things I’ll never buy? Does Blizzard think that exposing me to them every single day will change my mind?

I would say something sarcastic…but we all know how bad I am at that!

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Nailed it.

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It’s an improvement in my eyes. At least I no longer have to see CoD stuff anymore. I don’t mind seeing Shadowlands ads.

Kind of I guess.

I care
I dont play Retail but … I…care :chipmunk:

It’s not bad and can improve over time. The best part is that I can filter out the non-Blizzard games.

BTW, I just got a email from Blizzard that Crash Bandicoot 4 is coming to (on the Activision side). I had to check the date and make sure it wasn’t April 1.

It had one jorb…

None of that is necessary but what one person dislikes another is ok with or enjoys. I, for one, am ok with the new design and I like it better than the previous iteration.

I know my previous response was a bit abrasive. You’re tired of the launcher and I’m tired of people complaining about insignificant and petty things.

I’m currently progressing in Naxx and I care that the 3rd wing is now open. I also dabble in retail but my main focus is classic and even more so when TBC hits.

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