Wow, they managed to make the launcher even more annoying

You literally spent more time typing your whining response to my OP than I did writing it.

I really get the impression that blizzard is completely oblivious to the fact that a great many classic players came back to the company to solely play classic. They must actually believe that it is considered to be by the players to be a temporary side detour from the “real” game. And people thought that at the blizzcon they simply misspoke when they referred to retail that way.

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Wtf else do you expect to be shown there?

There is no “classic wow” tab in the launcher, never has been, its a server you select from the menu

There is no new relevant news for classic, therefore there is no classic related things on the world of warcraft launcher

You people get butthurt just at the sight of retail related things. Do you just want the same “naxx out” image to be there indefinitely for years?

Like we get it, you don’t like retail, its a launcher you look at for 5 seconds, get over it

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It may or may not help, but you can shrink the window a bit.

The irritating thing about it is that they likely spent more time and manpower enhancing the money seeking ad launcher than they have actually fixing things in classic.

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stoic unnamed streamer playing wow shadowlands arena world championships and wow shadowlands arena is definitely a relevant and mainstream game to stream!

Unrelated, but ugh. I don’t understand the obsession with oversized vehicles in NA, and crossovers.

I like small, sleek cars. And trucks that aren’t massive.

This launcher is overcomplicated looks wise and makes me not want to play. Old was just simple, CLASSIC looking. This new one reminds me of some Ftp game with stuff all over.


It’s certainly busy, and has way more space than it should be devoted to ads.

It’s a Blizzard launcher so of course you’re going to see stuff that isn’t your precious classic wow. It’s one of their IP’s and you’ll see classic stuff when there is news for it. Get over it or don’t use the launcher. You can just use the client exe to start classic wow if you just can’t stand the launcher that much. You’ll have to use the launcher to keep the game updated though.

Ugh, just “updated”. Not a fan. I like my launchers minimal. The ‘Friend’ pane has too much empty space, even if the launcher is minimized manually.

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“Look! we remade our launcher and now it’s worse in every way! So much winning!”

When you can’t even make a launcher that isn’t terrible…


Reminds me of whenever youtube would change the layout some. Youd always get people, myself included nettled about the new layout. Then 15 minutes passed and we moved on with our lives.

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I like it a lot more than the previous launcher. It’s visually an improvement, and the news is ignorable. You can even shrink the window down to the point where it only be able to display one item. I’m fine with Blizz “advertising” its other in-house games, but the CoD ads need to go.

Also let’s be real, the WotLK launcher was the best launcher.

I agree with what you’re saying, and it doesn’t matter here. It’s not as if the game itself was changed.

I did, however, quit Facebook completely over a layout change. My parents asked a few times after that why I never responded to their stuff on Facebook and I told them why I stopped using it. Everyone who I care about just reaches me in other ways now.

What a stupid and useless response.

We want to use the launcher; we just want it to be better.

Another reason we’d prefer the launcher look better and have relevant news (if we don’t have the option to just disable news in the first place).

Is it so unreasonable to want it to be a simple game selection, options, and play button with some splash art?

Do we need an embedded friends list? Do we need animated video ads? Do we need a news feed?


You’ve posted multiple whiny replies to this thread when–unlike with the launcher–you could hit Mute Thread and it would cease to exist for you without you losing anything you value. Maybe take your own advice and get over it?

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Those are called Shills.

I hate the launcher.


You realize the team responsible for the launcher, which is used by all blizzard games, is not the same team working on classic right?

Reminds me of internet popups that require you to click on a 1 pixel sized x to close it, else it open a page of it’s own.