WoW Themed Pancakes, WoW themed LEGO designs

There’s a lot of complicated or stressful raging threads at the moment.
:partying_face: So I thought I’d create a random thread that’s a bit more bubbly in nature!

  • If you were to create a pancake shaped as something in WoW – What would it be? :pancakes: :grin:
  • If Blizzard were to release a box containing a LEGO design of either a WoW city, boss or iconic location / event in the Warcraft universe — What do you think it should be? :european_castle: :thinking:

Bonus points if you detail it – Does the LEGO light up? Do the pancakes have toppings to emphasise decor of detail to what you chose?

And if you like — Why did you choose said-pancake and/or LEGO design? :open_mouth:

there are mega block of world of warcraft lol

They used to have megablocks (I think) of WoW things. Years ago I got one of a Blood Elf at the Mall of America

Gnome pancakes.

Take one gnome, throw it in front of a steam roller. Bake at 400 for 45 minutes.

A full Stormwind or Orgrimmar mock up. And guess what, once I learned how to knoll, I threw away all my instruction manuals

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Not enough. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
What’s a design that never made it, to which you’d like to see arrive? :thinking:

LEGO WoW sets would be cool, but I would forever be disappointed since I know I would want a minifigure with a general look of my character’s transmog.

Having a Dalaran set would be really cool, it could open up like the Death Star LEGO set to reveal the underbelly and interior of some buildings. And if you throw it on the ground it could look like a glimpse into the future.



:smirk: Ah, I see you are a being of culture as well.

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clay and paint can accomplish wonders :slight_smile:

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Personally I think LEGO Dalaran or the Magister’s Terrace would be cool. :star_struck:

Hmm as for pancake, I think I’d go with a facial design – Like either a pancake of Wrathion’s face, or maybe Vanessa VanCleef (less effort with the defias-mask :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

If you haven’t seen spoilers yet for the next expansion don’t click but you saying this made me think of this:

Then when the War Within comes around you can throw your dalaran creation on the ground and have the authentic experience!

The scene of Garrosh yelling at Sylvanas in Silverpine Forest, complete with quote bubbles, but before the retcon in Battle for Azeroth/Shadowlands.


Waffles would have made this thread better. A whole set of Dragon Aspect waffle makers in matching colors, that make dragon shaped waffles.

:unamused: Sadly I’ve already seen the spoilers, due to people outright making it their thread-title on the forums :sob:

However — I mean, you could swarth your arm through Dalaran destroying it and it’ll still be an authentic experience: If you recall, Archimonde has destroyed Dalaran before, with a ritual spell. :yum: