With this many responses looks like forums is the place to chat. All these responses I love it. I just want someone to BS with while Im gaming. I discord just havent run into any guilds to join maybe. Are there any like general wow discords or any guilds looking for members.
Its hard to find a chatty guild in the era of Discord
the authority deciding if you were one or not is the mob. that mob is rarely impartial.
funny thing about that is the few guilds I’ve joined that were determined to get me into their discord didn’t talk there either LOL
A lot, not saying majority, of players like to play MMO’s as a single player game but like to see other players in their travels. It makes it feel more alive to them.
WoW, from my experience, has gone from a game you communicated with others in just about all group content you did to one where even dungeons no one talks and it is just a zerg to finish. I miss dungeon groups where you used to talk while running them but now that is extremely rare.
It really is while leveling. But the current end-game areas seem busy to me.
My favorites are the ones that you join their Discord and it’s like 30 members that never interact and like 4 other members posting pics of their coffee that morning. Then the wowgenchat channel has nothing about WoW in it.
Out of all the MMO’s that I actively play, WoW tends to be the most silent in my experience. FFXIV is pretty talkative and GW2 you can’t make them stop talking, ha. I find Wrymrest Accord can be pretty chatty. They were talking about sandwiches earlier in Azur Span. Usually not as pleasant a chat in /1 while in big cities, though.
meanwhile in moon guard’s azure chat, a guy was bullying another guy for talking about pet battling.
All that ideology will die off. 10 years from now we will laugh at them.
it’s not just wow. its people in general and the internet in general that are a lot less social even in this so called age of social media
You’re doing something wrong.
This game is only as lonely as you choose it to be.
I’m not even a people person but I interact with my guild
Couple of us spent last week and a 1/2 farming mats to make feasts for raid.
We help each other in mythic 0, rare farms, etc.
There is a sense of community if you stop thinking about yourself all the time
Depends on your server, chat never shuts up on Proudmoore and at times is very entertaining.
Nobody chats in FF14 either. They just emote at one another.