Wow Sucks, needs more dragons

We need more Dragons in WoW. Just saying.

When every cloud is dispersed due to wing beats. When the sun and moon are no longer visible due to the shadow of wings… When every zone is nothing but dragonfire and Scaled dragon monsters.

Then… we will have enough dragons.


You had me in the first half but the rest of this sounds like a fetish.


I’d be ok with them adding more storm drakes and cloud serpents. I’d be ok with them adding all kinds of new dragons in fact.

So basically:


It’s beyond that. I’m too far committed to go back now.


I agree. Alexstrasza wins hands down sexist female in game

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Invite me to the baby shower.


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Let’s sign a petition. Or even just rally as many as we can to this cause. More Dragons for blizzard!
In ALL their games!

I’m not holding my breathe for a “Dragon Isles” patch.


please go to church neeko


There was an expansion called Cataclysm. There were a LOT of dragons then. So many that the world snapped part way, and almost literally snapped in half during the spaghetti dragon fight.

And yet there still weren’t enough dragons.



Correct my count if I’m wrong, but we had:
2 dragon dungeon bosses T1
6 dragon raid bosses T1. Counting each dragon, not just the number of fights
T2 had a suspicious lack of dragons.
1 dragon dungeon boss T3
2 dragon raid bosses across 3 fights. But one was a spaghetti dragon so we don’t talk about him then.
The fight just before the air drop had a HORDE of smaller dragons. So we’ll say you tear through about 10.

So about 21 dragons to kill in Cataclysm. Is that a lot of dragons? IDK. But that might be the most dragons we fought at this point.

I really hope a WoW2 launches at some point and completely retells Cataclysm as it deserved. The expansion had so much potential. Deathwing deserved better fights.

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Theres a reason for that. as said in the end of cata by alexstrasza “Our age is nearing it’s end, and the time of mortals has begun” - (something like that). The dragons were given power by the titans thousands of years ago to serve as the worlds defenders in their absence. However, i assume that that power always had a limit; it could run out. and it did.

Honestly, I think this is the theme for a lot of highly magical races in wow. the elves for instance look as though they’re following the same path as the dragons. Once almost magically on par with the aspects, they’re now struggling to survive in a radically changed world. And it’s been this way for all manors of elves since the fall of the old kaldorei empire.

Even the draenei almost went extinct because of their greed and lust for knowledge/power. not many canonically remain.

Though it might still be in it’s very early stages, i think the path blizz is choosing to go down will eventually end with not only the fading of usable magic, but also the fading of the races that used them often enough to the point of having magic entwined with their biology: elves, dragons, draenei, etc.

despite what people say, i still think that “Fading” is still a very real possibility. though i dont think the races that dont really rely on magic as much have to worry; dwarves, gnomes, humans, etc.

Cataclysm had many dragons, that didn’t work very well.

Even Starcraft?

Havent you heard of the super-mega purple-tentacled cyclopsian space drake of floofloo-prime38? they’re everywhere dude.

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