I think a Subscription Magazine would benefit the community, and Blizzard as a whole.It’s surely a bit archaic and potentially costly, but I will address this the best I can. Not that I’m qualified to do so.
I think having content outside of the busy hypercritical and distracting environment of the internet will be a major plus growth wise. Wowhead and Icy veins collaborating/contributing with some of the contents of the magazine would be an all around win. The contents of the magazine cannot replace websites but can promote them, not everyone subscribed utilizes forums etc for some reason. Shoutouts to content creators, addon spotlights, interviews of all sorts will of course be covered online but some things may arrive on the magazine first, and that’d be okay. Just as some things will be in post, in case you missed it.
An ads page, brochure, bookmark or calendar so to speak can help fund the project not to mention the subs themselves(mostly subs at first I imagine). There are plenty of people who would stay subscribed to WOW simply for the physical magazine to have as keepsake. I image you can always decide to opt out if you like.
A new subscriber/player magazine(Starter Magazine) may be a more constructive start for returning, new, or even future players (subscribers) which may help point them in the right direction if they want to learn more. I for one remember appreciating the small read on the outside of the retail expansion boxes, in the store and that was just cool flavor text with pictures basically.
So the magazine is not just about guides, patch notes, related news, throwbacks, shoutouts, spotlights or lore and art bits(that we can potentially go online for). It’s about keeping and gaining subscriptions and also giving returning players, new players and future players a taste of what they are missing(in their mailbox once a month or so).
Only if there are Applebees coupons
hey i do love me some coupins
I would get a magazine if there was coupons to the blizz store in it with mail in coupons.
I would also like community highlight pages which would be fun.
Could make for interesting collector’s items down the line…
or will be the same as any other magazine
good at first the tanks after the first 6 months
I still have my copies from the first time they had them.
Because the Magazine subscription is connected to wow subscriptions I don’t see the quality falling short. It constructively incentivizes quality work from the developers and all those contributing to the magazine. I could see them doing something similar to twitch drops or TCG cards every once in awhile to entice those who like to collect.
the reason why i say this is the GameStop magazines were the same
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I guess it’s possible that it may become a bit lackluster over time, but the opposite is also true. It wouldn’t surprise me to see hills and valleys but overall I think they are capable of evolving and adapting to the times. I imagine translations in different languages may be a hurdle for example, not sure if promoting an English speaking YouTuber/streamer is so helpful in a country that speaks French or something primarily. These things may vary, country to country. Though that makes it a bit more collectable I suppose.
Magazines are unfortunately becoming outdated and not many people get them anymore. Also, they used to have a magazine series, but discontinued it shortly after.
This has already happened
They already tried that. It flopped after about 3 issues.
This is true that magazines aren’t around much anymore, maybe at a doctor’s office or something(which would be cool to see a WOW one there tbh).
I think because magazines aren’t popular that it would give them an edge and probably be the most popular magazine around, which gives something else other games don’t have.
Every issue could feature a “PWN of the week” showing a glad geared character one shotting someone 3 levels lower trying to quest.
Heck, make it the centerfold.
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Magazines are not even at doctors’ offices anymore, since covid. I don’t think it would give them an edge to use an outdated source of media that hardly anyone uses anymore, but what do I know.
I doubt that one in ten of us has a magazine subscription at all, and that might be on the optimistic side. I subscribe to a couple of trade journals, and that’s it.
There was once a World of Warcraft magazine. Published quarterly and it died pretty quickly. Though, I should have copies in a box somewhere.
I think that if they restarted the comics, it would be a more successful endeavor.
Fair, I think being the most popular Magazine on the planet would help a lot as for selling ad space, or at least give physical advertising for WOW itself. I’d argue that a physical advertisement is more impactful than ads and commercials at this point considering the type of game WOW is.
I’d recommend learning about marketing and advertising before making that claim lol
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