Wow sub numbers

It’d be amusing to see them trying to take Kael’thas back only to realize they can’t: he’s not dead. The man would exist outside of the cycle of Life and Death, even bypassing Ardenweald. If the Sunwell were corrupted again, he could likely purify it himself with phoenixfire. Blood Elven identity has been a little too light oriented for a long time now. Making fire a more prominent force would be great.

Add some fiery eyes as Blood Elf customizations, maybe some red glowing hands like the Nightborne have arcane hands.

Agreed. For as powerful as Jaina has become over time, Kael’thas really is the only Horde-alligned character whom could stand against her, and this power-up brings him on par with her, or surpasses her. Either way, he makes for the ideal Horde counterpart to Jaina.

The Horde could still use some stronger characters, but it would be a major boost to have a solid three.


Hmm. For better or worst, that might actually happen concerning starcraft’s fight with the Void. :8ball::robot:

So long as its not painted as Kael’thas becoming a First One or something. A self-resurrecting demi-god works fine.


Hmmm. I did just realize Al’ar’s plot might even be involved with the Amani such as giving our scenario a spin for a new troll empire. :crystal_ball::robot:

I don’t think the sin’dorei would just go with it at all to be honest. Though Lor’themar didn’t do it all by himself, he brought Quel’thalas back from the brink of destruction after Arthas’s march on the Sunwell, and Kael’s leaving for Outland.

Meanwhile Kael sided with the Legion, and helped attempt to bring Kil’jaeden into Azeroth through the Sunwell. His legacy has got to be tarnished after that.

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Classic saved retail.

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I wouldn’t doubt it, DF has been pretty great in my opinion.

Dragonflight is basic and has no stakes so Blizzard is playing it save here.

Bliz gave some numbers at the GDC. Bellular was able to flesh them out more. Similar to what the OP reported. Maybe a tad higher. Subs had been below 5 mil at a point or two. They are over 7 now. They are rising even with it being end of an expansion.

His video “ Report: WoW’s Actual Subscriber Count & Blizz’s Official Shadowlands Post-mortem” is on his Bellular Warcraft channel on youtube

Which really, is exactly what they should of done by the looks of it.

dont forget
youre here forever

Yeah sure, lol.

Nah, BC and Wrath classic apparently had nowhere near the pull that vanilla classic had - and I doubt Cata classic will be much more even with SoD shoring up the worst by adding cut content

That this is better placed in General Discussion.

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Legit my favourite expansion :sweat_smile: Loved the unique faction-specific levelling experience.

It kept Shadowlands limping along but I doubt that’s true, in truth. There’s been no significant rises with BC or WOTLK’s release.

That part was fun… it’s just… well the majority of the rest…

Heck I generally enjoyed the leveling experience in Shadowlands… I’m not a fan of some of the themes and how heavy handed they were with them, but leveling in Shadowlands wasn’t a bad experience.

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Bfa ruined my fun. I will never again have any Horde pride.