You have no idea what they play, when they play or how competitive they could be; you’re making your entire argument up out of thin air.
If you don’t understand how raw talent works, or how natural affinity can make you good at many things that are very similar, I guess I feel bad for you - but for the rest of us, we can be good at multiple similar things fairly easily. You don’t hit R1 in WoW because you are very good at WoW, you hit it because you’re very good at video games and have spent a ton of time perfecting WoW. To assume it is not possible to transfer those skills to another videogame is ridiculous.
Lmao first off don’t put words in my mouth I never said players can’t be good at multiple games; I said these wow streamers that you put on a pedestal whom you think would “boycott and kill the game” by taking their viewers to another game have been playing wow for 15 years so if you think they can just go to another game like league dota 2 or valorant you are completely delusional and need to seek help
Second of all, why are you linking me a list full of pro players that have never played wow LOL? Ty for further proving my point I guess?
If you think being r1 on wow is equivalent to being top .01% in other competitive games you are also living under a rainbow. The only “pro” wow player I can think of off the top of my head that could be “competitive” in other huge games is probably samiyam. But he has a viewer base of about 100 to 300 viewers he isn’t killing anything if he decides to stop streaming wow and since the argument was concerning HUGE wow streamers such as pikaboo, xaryu and cdew I would say you are wrong yet again
So please, get over your delusions that these streamers can just easily transition to a better game and just make just as much money from being “competitive” if they could do they they would’ve done that years ago
This reads a whole lot like you have personal issues with WoW streamers and not at all like you have a compelling point to make.
All the best mate but you’re way outside of rational.
This happens naturally any time the meta has massive op outliers. Most of the people do not want to play in a meta with such op classes. The meta was waaaaay better than this when disc was op and rogue was op. And that also was not good but its actually worse now.