WoW stops responding on every loading screen

In the last week or so, every single loading screen I have, in game and in the character select screen, my WoW stops responding and the Windows Alert box comes up with the options to either close the program or wait for it to respond. I always click wait and after 10-30 seconds it will work again. Occasionally it will crash and need to be reloaded. I reinstalled Windows and WoW less than 2 weeks ago and all my drivers are up to date and Windows updates are all up to date aswell.

This is a known issue and they are looking into it.

Oh good… BUT When are they going to get back to us on this? It’s annoying even while in groups.

If only I knew when… we kept on posting about it since end of October and they just recently finally seemingly agreed that this isn’t a client side issue and told us they are going to have it investigated, which I’m glad they are.

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