WoW SOD PVP is busted

At least make pre-mades vs other pre-mades. It’s no fun to fight against one, especially when half your team just gives up. Certain classes are also just broken in PVP


In classic vanilla, they just stacked warriors instead of hunters. Premades existed before SoD.
The good news is you don’t need to do bgs to pvp or get warsong rep.


The problem is that they’ve become increasingly more common since Classic, when they weren’t common at all back in the day.

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Weird I remember them being just as common, which is why I queued AV more often. Hard to have an argument about this since we don’t have numbers though

To clarify, I’m not comparing the frequency of premades in SoD to premades in 2019 Classic WoW.

I’m comparing the frequency of premades in SoD/Classic to WoW in the early 2000’s. It’s night and day.

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when i say things like this to my dad, he reminds me of a time in a very popular mmo back in the day where a spec was so beyond broken (like cc’ing 60+ people), the community of the game itself barred players from groups/raids/content if they played it. back then they struggled with trivial content to us now.

old games that we play werent designed for us to abuse everything we can just to ruin the experience for everyone else. over the years we gained more insight and skill, we are better players, but we lost being better people along the way. it sucks.

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our addons have gotten better, we are still terrible.

They also always ruined what BGs are about. This is why eventually they got rid of 10 man Premades and introduced Rated BGs for Premades.

Actually you do after Revered.

With that said BGs are supposed to be a big part of the game and reason to play WoW and shouldn’t be ruined by Premades players who are bad at the game.

Just do Solo Que and give bonus Rep/Honor for Queing Solo to bring in high quality organic PvP.

All good points, I agree.

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True. You might have to if you want to pre-emptively grind for epic leg/bracer piece that might not even be available until AQ40. You could also grind rep from the non-boss npc’s in the ashenvale event, which should really make you think.

I hardly find this point persuasive.

Sock puppet rotator spamming the same thread has struck again.

There were tons of premades in classic wow (2005 era) because thats how we focused on grand marshal/warlord etc.

My buddy and i didnt sleep for like 3 days pushing GM on my pally and his war back then and on mannoroth it was almost always premades.

Maybe that was just my server. Who knows.

No its not, this is just a lie or you didn’t play Vanilla WoW in the 2000s I was literally in a Warsong twink 29 guild all engineers called Wayne Enterprises, Premades and utilization of what was allowed in the game was there since day 1.

It was amazing fun figuring out what we could do to have every advantage and we fought other premades all the time! It’s insane to me all of you who played back then don’t remember how deep the premade wars went.

You didn’t play a twink in 2004 wow. Level locking wasn’t a thing lol

This is all either a lie or you aren’t thinking of vanilla wow

The one thing I really miss was all the damn skeletons that wouldn’t despawn. Just seeing all the carnage was really cool.

What? BGs dont grant xp… you’re thinking of the time where they killed twinking with the ability to turn off xp. You definitely did not play vanilla or tbc. Hell I remember lvl 1 twinks with 98% dodge rates and mongoose enchants.

ALL I need to know is when are Pally’s gonna get their Shaman like time in the sun I mean Blizz all other classes had their lil shine on moment .