I’m hoping they will allow us tons of skin customization options for WC3R. Since multiplayer isn’t canon, I hope they allow tons of different skins from all across the Warcraft lore.
My personal hopes:
Zandalari and forest troll skin options for all troll units
Mag’har and fel skin options for all orc units
Highmountain and taunka skin options for all Tauren units
Highmountain eagle rider as a replacement for windriders
Ogres as a replacement for tauren as the heavy unit
Goblin bruiser replacement for grunts
Blood elf, high elf, and void elf skin options for many of the alliance units and buildings
All seven human nations represented differently as skin options for all the alliance units and buildings
Scarlet crusade theme for alliance units and buildings
Argent crusade theme for alliance units and buildings
Forsaken theme for undead unit and buildings
Dark iron dwarf replacement for all dwarven units
Draenei and lightforged unit placement for Paladin hero and priest unit
High/blood/void elf archer replacement for the dwarven rifleman unit
Gnome and mechagnome replacements for some of the alliance units (like the rifleman, archmage, and sorcerer)
What types of skins would you like to have to customize your armies?