So just going to kind of converse here. A soft rant I guess, just vent some thoughts or whatever.
Like so many of us, I have played Wow for years, since launch which again, like so many of you.
Honestly, I miss professions. I am excited for Shadowlands, I am going to buy and play Shadowlands, this is not one of those “Hmph I’m out but feel the need to tell everyone” threads, I am certainly not out. I do wish though, that we could be excited for professions. Like FFXIV was not my favorite MMO ever. Good, but hardly my favorite. I stay on Wow because of several reasons; Blizzard, the community, the population, the history my wife and I have invested, it’s still fun to us, the classes, the combat, the races… I could go on for days because there’s nothing like Wow.
But I bring up FFXIV because the one thing I enjoyed that lacks in Azeroth and beyond was the experience of being a trader. Playing the market, putting effort into professions and seeing a monetary payoff. Wow used to be kind of like this too albeit not to the same extent, but it was present in it’s own way. Farming minerals for patterns or bulk sales, LW patterns and enchants and glyphs (What on Azeroth has happened to inscription??) it was fun. There was an economy, and trading, and you had 14 people on your friends list that you didn’t know per se. They were there because they were customers. They knew you had so-and-so pattern or you were that guy/gal that had that material in bulk they needed for X Y and Z.
I am excited for Shadowlands but I want that back. I want a stable, sensical economy where professions matter and we have to interact and barter with one another for more than seven million gold battle pets or mounts. Right now in Wow I feel like we take professions because they exist, not because they’re fun, or engaging. They’re just kind of present without purpose. And yes, of course, you can point to raid patterns and such but it’s not the same. I feel like it would add deep, deep playtime too, if at endgame it was worth it to keep professions current and farm mats and stuff for that market kickback. I’ve always wished there was more to spend it on like player housing but I know many of us have been asking for that for well over a couple years and it’s just not going to happen, but it would still be nice to need professions again in a real, deep way. To be a trader and play the markets and make our money.
Just wanted to say that out loud. Completely aware and accepting that it won’t reach the right ears or anything. Still excited for Shadowlands, but when you wish upon a star right?