Wow retail keep updating

recently I had to move wow to an external ssd. I also installed b net on the same drive to keep thing running smoothly but now every time i log into b net it gives me the" world of Warcraft has started an update" message it start to initialize after a few seconds it skips right to the reclaiming disc space. if I manually check it does the same thing each and every time. it also does that every time I log out of wow as well. the game launches and plays smoothly but it does the update thing each time. Is there a fix for this or is this just something I don’t need to worry about? And is anyone else having this issue

It sounds like some things may have become corrupted in the move to the other drive, or perhaps some other settings were left behind in the User directories in Windows. A reinstall on the drive should fix the problem.

I will try it should i uninstall b net and wow?

If you click the gear icon on it will have a scan and repair option that may help you before it comes to having to do a full reinstall.

This problem generally comes back after only a scan and repair, that is why I recommended reinstalling.

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I did both methods it still does it it doesn’t affect my game play or anything so far ( its more co0nfusing and annoying then anything i am starting to think it just might be one of those bugs