WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 20

Make the cloak account wide. If you must put some form of weekly stat cap on it to prevent the frog farmers from having an account of demi-god characters.

But I was really looking forward to playing multiple characters and not repeating the same grind. Variety is the spice of wow.


Theyre not limited though

Nothing about frog farming and it’s consequences? How about actual adding an efficient farming method that will allow us to get the stuff we want, while also getting “overpowered”?

With the current bronze and thread rewards, it’s impossible to max out even one character and the rewards. Playing any sort of alts is flat out pointless.


This is a great start. Please also consider reducing the cost to upgrade gear by 20-30% and making ring/neck/trinket slots account wide. It would be great if alts were more viable.


It’s a start I guess…

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This all was hotfixed yesterday to my knowledge? I guess this is just an official post on it.

I am fighting for you guys. I am. I made a post on the WoW CC forums about all this if you want to check it out.


EVERY CHANGE needs to be documented. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I dont care if the patch notes is just “Fixed a misplaced pixel on a chair in an inn nobody goes to”. EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE DOCUMENTED AND TOLD TO US.


So I can do achievements again?

will this fix high vs low level scaling?

doing A Brewing Storm, heroic scenario

level 20 ele shaman doing 600k single target dps
level 70 arms warrior with upgraded items + cloak + gems doing 50k single target dps


100% this let me level alts fast as the video said.


Does that REALLY help when salvaged max level armor seems to only give me like 40 bronze? Upgrades cost 2500 per level!
That’s 62 salvaged max level armor drops I need to salvage just to upgrade ONE PIECE OF ARMOR ONE LEVEL.

Did you do the math and understand how much you’re asking people to grind? Because it doesn’t sound like that’s what happened.

Edit: Even in RETAIL(Not silly fun mode) I can upgrade my armor 1 level every 1.5ish M+ or several times per raid.

Here, in whacky OP fun mode, I have to run a dungeon… even if I get a drop from every boss, about 16 times per item upgrade.

Y’all are NUTS.


You get them from dungeons, raids and scenarios

The scaling change was earlier today

So no was the answer to my question then. Playing the game normally I got demonstrably less than someone who did them now? Cool.

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Gotcha. I know the cache change was yesterday. I hadn’t been online yet today.

This isnt new news, considering that wowhead already did datamining before you posted this…

If you expect every single alt that people create to force themselves to do the meta achievements for the jewerly you’re even more wrong here… should make that one account wide. Specially when we’re all thinking and have different goals… people do not stay after a wipe and sometimes even the group leaves causing the group to crash and you to be locked for the day.

Ordos sanctum is still using the cloak as method to allow entrance. It was mean to be changed with this event.

The pushback on the 1:1 stats on alts is still massively wrong and misses this event mark.

Overrall I think you missed the mark with the 90 day duration. You expect people to play this version like retail but the hamster wheel exists on retail and that’s a retail thiing… not a place where it’s listed for a limited event.


I’m willing to be carried by OVERPOWERED players who farmed frogs or upgrade ilvls all the way up to the 500+ with hundreds of thousands of Bronze, since they could be rewarded for spending more time on your game.

However, you should balance normal and heroic raids based on lvl 70 players with 346 ilvls. Alternatively, you should significantly lower item upgrade costs, then you could balance raids around 400 ilvls.


So? Theyre also not limited which is what i was responding to

They likely haven’t gotten to that yet, most of the current chsnges were for lower ilvl content

It’s nothing.