WoW Remix Testing April 12-14

We’re planning to open WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria for testing on the Dark Heart (10.2.7) PTR starting on Friday, April 12 at 10:00 a.m. PDT (19:00 CEST). We expect to conclude this test on Sunday, April 14 at 10:00 p.m. PDT (07:00 April 15 CEST).

During that time, all of Pandaria: Remix will be available to test:

  • Level 10 - 70
  • All Pandaria zones
  • Normal and Heroic Scenarios
  • Normal and Heroic Dungeons
  • LFR, 10-player Normal, and 10-player Heroic Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, and Throne of Thunder
  • LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar
  • All of the progression including the Cloak of Infinite Potential, spell gems, and new itemization

Be sure to check out all of the cosmetics available at your local Infinite Bazaar (found in every zone).

There’s much more than can be completed in one weekend, but during this testing period, we’d love to hear how you feel about tuning, rewards, and of course, if you run into any bugs. We’ll open dedicated feedback threads for this event test here on Friday.

We look forward to seeing you here!


Sweet baby Jesus please let this be the trial for 10M Raiding again.


Is 10 man the limit for all raids? Is SoO flex? Mythic 20 man for SoO?

Characters carry over
Do the character convert to a ‘normal’ wow char with all the super gems and super cloak, or will they revert to a normal char with default gear

Event duration
Test is week-end, but how long is the event planned to be in actual 10.2.7?

whats the plan for wrathions capes and or their animations, along with the challenge mode armor sets, seeing as you guys are dumping recolors of the panda phoenix mounts from challenge modes already


Please, for the love of god, let us either acquire old CM sets, or give us recolors.


Is the 10man heroic original heroic or retail herlic as in no mythic

Is all the content coming out at once or in phases?

The Golden Lotus faction/quests go away when theyre killed by Garrosh when Siege came out. Would like to know how the faction us handled.

For once I felt like I actually got excited to care about this but then I read it was a separate game mode from retail itself.
This is a surefire way to split the playerbase, paint a poor perception on what retail looks like for people who might be interested to give this as their first try to WoW and then move to the main game and then lose them when they realise its not the same thing.
WoW’s old content has been bombed into irrelevancy that no one goes back to these expansions spare mount/transmog/rep runs and you’re finally making an incentive to go back to content I used to love dearly when it was relevant, only to take me out of the main game and divide the attention from the main mode that I’m playing because you, (Blizzard) are too busy forgetting WoW is an MMO and not some franchise title to turn into an arcade game with many different modes that divides its players like pizza slices. Like I really question the vision at HQ here.
Its disheartening and sad for me to see personally. I don’t give angry takes often but this one I’m content to let people fry me for because I’m not smoking the cope.
I come from GW2 and believe vehemently that this should be main game only and a new event to incentivise players back to retail and populate otherwise abandoned zones/expansions. It’s sad as hell to see not another soul in most old content these days and this could have been the open door to encourage that.

That being said, it all looks and sounds great, but it also feels completely disconnected as hell as what Plunderstorm was.


Gotta ask. . . . will we be able to play with Evokers on the remix? I’ve become attached to the new class, and really would like to play it in this format as well.

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Splitting the player base even more with too much different mode won’t be good for the game.

Pvp is totally dead already since classic/plunder/shuffle and the fact they abandoned any pvp balance.

Seems weird to intentionally do stuff in the wrong direction over and over.

Will the legendary cloak for the Timeless Isle be obtainable again? I came back to the game too late into MoP to get it since they closed down the quest line, and would love another opportunity.

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Kind of feels like a meta shift for a console port…

I’m already really looking forward to getting to know Remix. Everything leads us to believe that it was a great project.

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I just have to say this is super fun. All the loot/bronze/buy all the things is awesome.

The thing that matters most for me is that I can start at level 10 and the game treats me like this is my first play-through, so I don’t log in and see all the patch features yelling at me.

Not sure if that makes sense, but using Legion as an example (my favorite expansion to date).

Create a new character, talk to Chromie, select Legion and you are sent directly to new Dalaran, not OG, but fine. When I get there I have NPC’s running up to me about getting my class weapon, I have a line of NPC’s near the flight path to congratulate me on finding all the Pillars, I have Khadgar both happy we found them and telling me we need to find them. (roughly from memory, please don’t flame me). Also, we need you on the Broken Shore and Argus, thanks…

Fresh DF character is the same. Its like you guys assume we want to get to an expansion and just get to the latest stuff out of the box. A ton of us enjoy the story and the pacing of the content, not just some unseen hand throwing all the expansion content at my face the moment I get there for catch up reasons.

Anyway, thank you for this. I hope it is the new Chromie time, and eventually done for all expansions, and even a overarching narrative for vanilla would be great. Playable at any level.

More than anything, I play for the stories. You have so many out there, please make more use of all the dead content at level cap, seems such a waste.

Thank you for making some content that is more player agency focused. I like that I feel like I can get in and do the stuff I want and get rewards. If we could get away from “limited time, never to be seen again”, that’d be great.


Ultimately? I am loving this mode. I haven’t gotten to play it nearly as much on PTR as I wanted, but I am enjoying what I have done so far.

There are a few things that make me head scratch or wish they were improved, but I really hope that we start getting events like this that last for a few months at a time (maybe running concurrent with a season?)

This to me feels almost like a way more enjoyable version of “Season of Discovery”. Probably because it’s not built on classic wow design, lol. Being able to dragonride out the gate is like… a huge win.

I can’t wait to for this to come out! It’s nice getting to experience pandaland again.

I do wish that at least new CM sets were being put out. That would be cool (similar to how MT got new tmogs). Even if they’re just higher rez versions of older pandaria tier sets with different color schemes.

This has me excited/interested way more than Plunderstorm did and I am looking forward to continuing into it! (thank God that plunderstorm grind is over and I haven’t even thought about logging into it since finishing lol, whereas this i would likely make multiple characters).

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Considering that this is a leveling event your point doesn’t really apply. In 20 years, the only time I level with others is in a new expansion to the next max level, when it comes to alts it is always a solo project.
I love this option over the chromie option.

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Few things:

  • generally it was fun, i dont really understand why this has to be up for a limited time when its more fun than the entire classic project.
  • gear rarity felt weird. obviously epic>rare>green, but it often felt bad to upgrade a new rarity from start. in my case i had 430 in every slot, got a rarity upgrade on a belt from green to purple, it meant that i had to level up the epic item from 346 to 430 for an insane amount of bronze. it should be free
  • powers are okay, not talking about balance. each one ive tried felt impactful and combos worked great. quantity-wise it felt too few because of how many slots we have. it would be nice to have significantly more options than slots and no, dps wont just take selfheal/absorb passives just to shake things up.
  • please normalize thread drops. experience varies between players (quite literally). a level 60 character can have anywhere between 50% and 170% increased XP. imo you should make ppl to have a higher chance to get XP threads. Cap it at 300% and make it increase dropped bronze quantity instead on maxlevel.
  • bronze drop quantity doesnt feel right. farming mobs seems the best way (if you ignore the MSV LFR 1 degeneracy). probably need some buff to questing at max level/dungeons/raids
  • ban Random heroic dungeons below level 60, classes just dont have enough abilities to play it
  • inventory management is a nightmare, if you dont know exactly what you are looking for by name then its GG. it would be nice to have custom spells have the SoD panel.
  • reputations felt give nothing. since this version doesnt have paragon boxes, getting the rep maxed (with the double rep) feels a bit stupid. there are no rep vendors, you get exalted halfway in the story and you cant do anything with it.
  • add a gem recoloring option like the one you have in Diablo 3 and make them character or worst case account bound
  • make achievement reward items (amulet, rings, trinkets) upgradeable
  • i found no use for timeless coins, if there is any then i couldnt find
  • not only this mode but in general, enable crossfaction queue for stuff. the only premade content the mode has is some raids and hc scenario. majority of ppl will farm queueable content and it feels bad to be forced into one faction with your build

This. I was 53 when it ended and my cloak only had 68% increased experience. Meanwhile, there was someone in chat who was level 60 and was talking about having 200%. This variance and randomness is fine until you introduce things like Realm First titles, because the person who was 7 levels ahead of me but had 130% more experience gain than I did has a much better advantage of getting to 70 first.

All in all, this was a very fun experience. A vast improvement over plunderstorm.

The good. Love the gearing and item powers. Lot’s of fun stuff there.

The bad. Bronze drop rate feels weak. Especially compared to the costs of upgrading gear. Randomness is as usual bs. This is especially true with the threads.

Up the bronze rate.
Weight the threads for the cloak to be more dynamic towards filling in weak points rather than just hoping you get lucky.