WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes -- July 3

All the things to concentrate on that will really get this remix back up and running, and this is what they chose to spend the day working on?


What an absolute joke. Do something to give us a chance to catch up to the frog farmers or this event is dead.



Maybe you can tell us how we’re supposed to max this cloak out? It seems like it’s behaving different than what was advertised as far as other characters are concerned?


There’s just no way an entire set of developers got together for several hours and thought this was the best solution.

Players literally have full 556 gear, all the mounts, all the toys, all the transmogs because they killed frogs (and yes we know they do because they stream it)…

The best solution you guys could come up with was:

  • More item level limited gear that you can scrap for 25 bronze
  • 25% buff to caches (many of which were one time caches that people already opened)?

I mean really? Maybe I am in the wrong industry if this is a ‘good’ solution.


I thought we’d be able to blast through things (i.e. be OP) and that this would be a good event to level up alts much faster than retail based on the blog and videos that were released. It seems to have missed this mark. Is anything going to be done to make it closer to what was advertised?


I don’t normally actually bash blizzard, but this is pathetic.
Yall got about a week before this event crumbles to dust with the way the frog gods are, if something is not done swiftly.


The messaging on this is just sad. Responses to valid complaints would be grand.


Its funny bc I was gonna relevel all my toons, not even to play them, but just to have them there bc I have every class at max atm, and going to a new realm.
I sure as hell am not giving blizz anymore than my $15 a month to play this game now lol.
Makes me want to go back to ffxiv again, and that’s sad.


They ever fix people’s Timerunners getting their stuff deleted into the void?

Those last 2 hotfixes were extremely lack luster. What happened to having better communication with us?


I mean if frogs were still here it would be, but I guess we one shot raids too fast huh even though that was advertised. Feeling pretty scammed

I’ve never played ff14 because I enjoyed wow so much but this is almost the last straw for me

Bring back frogs enough said, bugs aside I think the overall view on pandaria was super positive until you did this, not sure why you would


If changing frog grind made MOP remix bad, it wasn’t good in the first place.

People complaining because they changed something that wasn’t intended, waaaaah.

but the point was to become super op and solo heroic raids and stuff, so how was it not intened. we just dont want to spend 90 hours grinding the gear on 1 single character to do it. thats unreasonable no?

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Frog farm was half the reason I was playing this event as someone who didnt get to experience it in mop :confused:

Spend 90 hours grinding, I mean I thought this was an MMO… ya know, games that require large amounts of time investment.

I felt OP AF until maybe 65 when it slowed down a lot, and Blizz have said they’re fixing the scaling, which means frog grinds or any grinds wont be needed.

no this was a remix of an mmo, look I think you are missing the point I have 2 mil health and I did farm frogs. I thought it was fun and it was half the reason I played pandaria because I started playing just when panda ended so I never go to experience that, the whole point of this game mode is to be accelerated. I have every class maxxed on multiple realms, I wanted to play this gamemode to experience wow in a different way. Again you are misunderstanding they they took away what was advertised. again “god like power”


like I feel scammed I want my money back, I probably wouldnt of even resubbed and woulda just waited for TWW if they said this mode was going to be a grind fest


This is total BS still. How is it unintentionally when this was a thing for 12 years? Are you really that off track with your own game? Frogs worked like this forever. Frog farm was part of the original problem.

@blizz People seeking for exploits is only the result of the bigger problem: too less bronce from other resources. Fix this garbage mode which is supposed to be fun ffs.

You f****ing scammed us by advertising it in your YouTube video in a different way than it released
We should sue you for this fraud.