WoW: Reclamation, An Expansion Proposal

Before I get started, I’m 100% sure none of this will ever come to fruition. This project has been nothing more than a creative outlet for me in slow times at work. However, I would like to have a discussion on it and, sadly, reddit has been failing me. Though, here’s a link to it, which has another link to the master document.

(Please note that the master is massive and yet still incomplete at 47 pages. It’s just missing details in a couple of sections but the ideas are there.)

This expansion idea takes place after the current saga and gives us a break from the yearly/bi-yearly potential world ending events for a change. Instead, it returns to basics; our characters returning to the life of an adventure, explorer, etc. It is a time for rebuilding and discovering what has changed over the last few decades.

As a bonus, a main focal point for my fellow roleplayers is to give more options for different character types and even players, especially those looking for more pacifistic approaches.


-The dissolution of the Alliance and Horde as the leaders form the Council of Azeroth. Players will start with former allied races as Friendly and former enemies as Distrustful. Players will travel to the seat of the Council of Azeroth (in Moonglade) where they can purchase adventure permits which will allow them to begin questing for the faction of choice to improve relations and learn the language. (I know this is likely impossible due to how hard coded Alliance vs Horde is but bare with me.)

-Complete world revamp starting with Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. This includes new zones like Gnomeregan and Zul’Unda (under Mt. Hyjal). Northrend, Pandaria and Outland will come as game updates.

-New PvP factions and battlegrounds. These are now ran by mercenary groups and venture companies. Warbands do not benefit from PvP factions reps so that different characters can join different factions.

-New class role: Support. Support roles focus on supporting allies or hindering enemies. Additionally, all classes changed to have at least one tank/healer/support role. This includes overhauling some specializations (such as Discipline Priest being worked into a Support role) or adding new specializations (like Bard Monk as a Support or Earthwarder Shaman as a tank).

-New Class: Tinkerer. The Tinker Union has expanded its membership to any capable alchemist, engineer, smithy, tinkerer and any other innovative thinker. Roles include: Mechanist (tank), Alchemist (Support), Gadgeteer (ranged DPS), Scrapper (melee DPS).

-Class Halls return!

-Deep Dungeons and Deep Raids! Similar to delves but more focused on problem solving over combat. Inspired by action adventure games where each room has a puzzle to figure out with little to no combat involved.

-My take on player housing and guild bases. Complete with guild airships!

Edit: Removed Tinker class and housing/bases overviews due to wanting to condense the wall of text.


I think your ChatGPT went overboard. That’s quite the wall of text which I did not bother to read. As for the title when I hear reclamation I think reclamation service.

Most of that was copied and pasted from my master document. :laughing: Sadly, the formatting didn’t transfer with it. I need to go back through it and clean it up a bit to make it easier to read.

Reclamation was chosen as the theme of the expansion as the idea is to reclaim what has been lost, literally and figuratively speaking. For each race it will mean something different: heritage/culture, land, resources, etc. For players, it means returning to a simpler time, when we were regular adventurers, traveling the world, exploring what was new and dealing with localized threats instead of the next big bad world-eater.


First three people to give an honest look over, complete with their thoughts/suggestions/etc on anything and/or everything will be gifted $20 in the Blizzard shop.

Must be more than just “this idea sucks” or “this will never happen”. Looking for genuine feedback and constructive criticism.

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