Higher level content and basic content such as normal raids and Mythic 4 and under shouldnt be a problem. But the community are so elitest and everyone vote kicks or leaves group the moment you dont kill something on the first try causing the group to fall apart is a problem.
In fairness, my PUGing experience is vastly different than what I read on forums. When I hear people who constantly kill your keys, yeah I’ve seen that happen. But not often. Most groups I join into PUGs don’t have ilvl minimum or don’t have IO score vets. And we clear timed keystones usually (up to +8; gonna push past 10 today hopefully). granted they’re not always the best like pushing +2 upgrades but it is what it is. And for sure there’s some avoidable wipes that happen here or there, but no one “forced” me into those groups. I just joined them because I recognize those io scores and ilvl minimum, while they do have some merits, are mostly just bureaucratic.
Having high ilvl requirements for low mythics guarantee they will clear it but it’s also dumb and says a lot about the host being bad/wanting to get carried for requiring 190 ilvl for mythic +4. Having 190+ ilvl won’t save those groups. Now if they are doing nonstop push, I understand the minimum requirement but that’s not what’s going on at least in my experience. Since it’s anecdotal you can say it’s to be taken with a grain of salt, but when I see people complaining that resonates with my anecdotes, it makes me think it is perhaps a problem with the game. I mean yeah review bombing exists but WoW SL has a terrible user rating (5.8). A lot o the complaints for those critics are spread out in their focus but a lot of the more elitist players who don’t want to spend the time to interact with other demographic of players are slowly killing the very game they love to play.
One of my own guildie is an elitist and he often complains about PUG trash players and I still don’t get that complaint. I’ve had one of the most smoothest runs in Nathria post-Huntsman after 3 stupid wipes on Huntsman’s 2nd hound. Which is ironic considering we 1 shot Shriekwing and IMO shriekwing mechanics is more difficult (relative to Huntsman).
I see all sorts of practice and learning groups in that game for content. Yet wow never seen such a thing and never will. The community is friendly and helps out so much more than this game does.
There are also practice/learning groups in WoW and I’ve also met plenty of helpful people as well. I also mostly PUG and the game has toxic elitists yes but it also has a lot of good people who are willing to teach you mechanics.
I still dont’ like your FF14 comparison because as I said, FF players complain about tank anxiety and you could be friendly and trying to help people and they’ll report you for toxicity. FF14 is the epitome of safe-space culture gone too far in a community. It has its own toxicity, just in different ways.
Wish i coiuld believe you but ive never seen this in all my years of playing this game and Ive been on teh same server sense BC so.
Savage and extreme have nothing to do with M+.
Savage fights are also similar to Heroic, and extreme close to Mythic. FF14 is a solid game, and it doesn’t need you to lie to upsell it.
There’s practice/learning groups in WoW too. They are usually called “chill groups.”
The problem with those is too many people want to get into them so spots don’t stay open for long, in either game.
Nothing to lie about. Heroic and M plus in this game is a joke, The community is what makes these thing so hard. Heroic raiding right now is equal to normal raiding back in Wrath of the lich king. Sorry you are mad i am telling you some hard truths buddy.
Those chill groups ive joined and its the same thing i mentioned before. Someone rages when you dont one shot the first boss or someone pulls something by mistake then the group falls apart.
Same thing happens in FF14. I’ve been playing FF14 and WoW together for many years and end-game communities on both are just as toxic.
If you go to any FF14 forum you’ll see people complaining about the toxic community, just the same as WoW.
It’s baffling to me that you claim to have played FF14 so much and you have never run into toxic people. That’s just making stuff up man. When you make stuff up, people don’t take you seriously.
I havent. Maybe my idea of toxic is not as extreme as your. Shame you think I am making things up but you believe whatever you wanna believe.
That game does not encourage rude or terrible behavior like wow does. Hell classic wow people are nicer than they are in retail.
I play classic a lot and it’s just like Final Fantasy 14. It has its own types/variations of toxicity. It’s just different from Retail. Doesn’t mean they are nicer in classic lol. You clearly don’t know the type of griefing/insults being slung around. A lot higher chance of derogatory slurs in classic than in retail bro.
How is raiderio, GS, or IL ruining WoW though?
What is my incentive to invite a lower geared player or a player who has only timed/done lower keys than what I’m looking to do?
There is no incentive to invite players like that.
LOL … Wrong
If you really PvP, just think of raider.io like arena rating.
If you have someone 2000 rated and someone 800 rated apply to your current 1900 CR team who are you going to pick?
I like how your entire post is just a completely flawed premise.
This is what people are looking for. I want to know that you know the fights you’re signing up for, not the ones from last tier. The ability to kill mythic bosses last tier is noted and appreciated, and in a lot of cases could get you in the door. But relevant experience with the content you’re looking to join makes you significantly more likely to be invited. (i.e having 6-7s timed when you’re looking to join 8s.)
It encourages a different type. If someone’s fix’n to eat a ban for calling out someone not pulling their weight, it’s safer just to kick them without saying anything and finding someone new. Or just doing it in discord or one of the thousand other communication channels that square doesn’t control.
That is why I play solo. I can go my own speed, soak in the environment, read all the quests, experience the story, ect.