WoW Race Courtship Research! Head-canons needed!

It’s an oft overlooked fact, but most goblins are not wealthy. They’re blue collar workers, mechanics, sappers, service staff, etc. These people have to marry for love- mostly because they don’t have much else to their name and nothing to pass on to their kids.

But the old moneyed class of goblin society operate on a whole other level! They didn’t get that way by being swayed by such pitiful emotions as love and or sentiment. Romance, like all things in life, is a cutthroat activity involving a lot of calculated risk. The crafty succeed while the gullible get bilked for everything they’ve got.

First up is establishing your value on the marketplace. Good lucks? Lots of money? Good connections? Great! Anything you can do to make yourself a more attractive prospective partner, the better. It’s also good to know the value of others. If you’re a 10/10 going after a 5/10, sure you have the advantage, but you could also go after the 9/9 if you wanted. Meanwhile, if you’re a 2/10, it’s usually not worth it… although being seen with a 7/10 can often bump you up a point or two by association. Don’t be afraid to manipulate the market.

Okay, so now you’ve managed to score a date. This is it! Your first interview! Make sure you have some good talking points prepared. Gift giving is the most sincere form of flattery, so big expensive gifts are great- although you don’t want to spend too much. A list of references is good to! And remember to always spin your negatives as positives! You’re not mentally unstable; you’re dyamic! You don’t have an ex who wants to kill you; you inspire passion in others! Also try not to lay ALL your cards out on the table. That could weaken your position later.

After a couple of dates, it’s time to start negotiating the finer details of a relationship. Going steady? Free to see other people? Moving in together or staying separate? Who pays for dinner whenever you go out? This stuff is very important, and while it’s common to come back to the negotiating table, it can be harder to make demands after you’ve already made too many concessions.

If the partnership’s been working well for all parties involved, it may be time to discuss the M word. Yes, a Merger! These are the agreements that will make or break you. Feel free to take anywhere from a few days to a few years to finally hammer out all the details.

Hopefully, said merger will last until death. Trust me, you want it to last that long because it’s usually the only way you’ll get EVERYTHING instead of just half of everything. And try to resist the urge to off your partner only, as any goblin worth marrying is smart enough to write a clause into their will exempting you from what’s rightfully yours in the case of suspected foul play.

Also, at some point, you’ll probably have kids. These things happen. It’s nobody’s fault. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


These responses have been absolutely amazing!! Thank you everyone who has helped! Feel free to post more until Friday! Here are the details for the event! I hope to see you guys there!

:heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart: Join Academia Saturday, February 20th at 6:30pm for Love is in Session! Learn about the courtship practices of various races of Azeroth and then attend a singles mixer afterwards! :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart:

Special Instructions for the Singles Mixer: Wear shades of red if you are only interested in women, shades of blue if you are only interested in men, or shades of purple if you have no preference. You may also wear black if you simply wish to attend the mixer but are not interested romantic connections.

Who: Anyone regardless of race or faction is welcomed to attend.
What: A class for scholars of all skill levels hosted by Academia’s Headmistress Elissreaux Souli.
Where: ICly- In the Western Plaguelands- Academia’s Campus outside behind Archmage Modera Hall. OOCly it’s Hearthglen, outside and behind the Town Hall- the building with the clock tower.
When: Saturday, February 20th at 6:30pm server time.
Server: Wyrmrest Accord.

:heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart: Hope to see you there! :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart:


“Hey hotness, what brings you to this grave?”. If there aren’t Forsaken using this then get out.

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Gnomish courtship is often very similar to human courtship, but for very different reasons. We will go over some of the greater differences in the following few minutes, so don’t you worry! By the time we’re done, you will be able to wooo every Gnome in a ten mile radius!

First of all, let’s talk about how you might pick your target of affection. For every love-worn young man and young woman, here’s the good news: gnomish love does not know restrictions or boundaries. That is not to say that Gnomes don’t have preferences, mind you! It simply means that Gnomish society does not operate on the principle of royalty or clans.

As you might expect, in a society of tinkers and thinkers, the greatest resources at your disposal are your intellect and your wit. Gnomish courtship rarely starts out with big gifts or expensive jewelry, but with the exchange of ideas. We’re forward thinkers. To share your aspirations, concepts and inventions is the first sign of trust. Wit, intellect and honesty are important. We don’t mind if you start out with nothing in life, but what matters is that you aspire to improve things. Show that you’re a problem solver. Problem-solvers are sexy.

If the first few conversations go well, we move on to dates. We like ideas that show you’re willing to expand your mind! Take your SO to scientific discourses and academic discussions. Preferably about her favorite topic! Don’t be shy to disagree politely. Disagreement can lead to passionate discussions.

One surefire way to gain her appreciation is by inviting her to your workshop and have her give suggestions about your work. Nothing is better than showing her you appreciate her mind and intellect to a level that you’d trust her with your inventions.

But don’t underestimate excitement. Once in a while, it is wise to do something cheerful and exciting. Parades in foreign lands? Festivals to observe local traditions? Yes, don’t be shy! Mix it up! We are, after all, an optimistic and cheerful race…

Once dates have gone well, we’ll discuss putting together a joint workshop. Invite her to share in your workspace. Offer her to pool every whisker-width of your workshop and every toe curl of your power generator.

If she accepts, you start on your first joint project. Hit the ground running! Show her that her trust in your inventiveness and your wit is not misplaced! Once your first few projects are up and running, there will be a final evaluation.

Now, this is important! Once that evaluation is found favorable, you are for all intents and purposes a married couple - a family. Gnomes don’t value paperwork, expensive ceremonies and long contracts. You will invite both your families to the joint workshop and announce your willingness to start a joint operation. The idea that families object is merely a leftover from a few centuries ago - the last objection to a marriage was 600 years ago. It was a terrible misunderstanding. We don’t talk about that…

You now either pick one of your two surnames, or you invent an entirely new name for your joint scientific efforts going forward.

Congratulations! You’re now married to a Gnome! I hope you have a tremendous amount of fun in your joint projects.

A little reminder: Gnomes are incredibly loyal to their families. Marriage usually lasts until one party passes away. Children are raised collaboratively and are taught scientific protocol and proper procedure by both parents. Conflict about raising children is not appreciated in gnomish society as intentionally withholding information from them stifles intellectual growth.


Unless obscured under ward or other circumstance, all creatures always radiate static energy signals, to varying intensities. Each with signal pattern, unique to their species. Their overall mental state. The magic or art they had been practicing. Overall, a rough reflection of the type of person, they are.
Those who fail to notice these signals, upon standing up close, were simply lacking attention. Though numerous schools would dispute, that those signals are very, very subtle and sophisticate, nobody would detect. And that the only exceptions, being those with extreme magical affinity, especially certain chatting blood elf magical master, around here. But, disregard them. And listen to me.

You could even ‘identify’ your ‘kind’, without needing to see, in the rare occasions, where those who shared too many similarities to yours, stay in close enough proximity.

There will be mysterious gravity, drawing both of you, together. Quite similar to how strong arcane source, used to attracts, when Sunwell was nowhere. And if you don’t restrain your heart. And vacate, immediately. You both might find yourselves already started friendly conversation on everyday things. Offer to bring each other, to each’s own beautiful spots, in local woods, to study or stroll together. Share each side of recollection, on the most interesting things witnessed, in the last few centuries.

Since we all are going to live, for thousand years, anyway. Provided each’s interest and intellect, matches, you might want to tour interesting places around the world, several years. Watch how diverse cultures and terrains, evolve, over last few centuries, is quite interesting hobby – especially after having been glaring our same city, for thousand years. Well, except the decade with Sunwell explosion.

Uhh, actually, before even begin courting process, it is imperative social ethic and courtesy – also a way to avoid retaliation battles, and keep city peace, as we paid so much effort to promote such – to not begin courting the ones, already taken by others. Or being arranged by other families, especially powerful ones, to be partner with their own kin. So, carefully check their backgrounds. Meanwhile, dispatch spies, to screen true influence, wealth, power and connections, of multiple potential partners, that may benefit to yourself in future. And analyze each of available choice, is not bad. Don’t worry, everybody in city, does that. Just manage it with good manner discretion.

When all is set, formally ask guardians/parents of your target, for permission to progress relationship further – another socially accepted courtesy. Afterall, they surely had been taking great care, of that person, for many decades. Yours and their families will normally send series of both secret spies - and open, formal invitations for banquets, balls, and all other things, to assess various aspect of each side’s backgrounds, for several years, before your decision is formally accepted, publicly.

In other word, I wish those who cannot make ‘heretic relationship’ in enough discretion, to not arouse retaliation stunts, would be generous and go seek accomplice of other race member, away from our society, far from our territory border. We installed ‘happiness is mandatory’ propaganda, on entire city’s Golems, for a reason.

Tonight is the night!! Get ready to meet hot singles in your area other scholars that are single and ready to mingle!

:heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart: Join Academia tonight, February 20th at 6:30pm for Love is in Session! Learn about the courtship practices of various races of Azeroth and then attend a singles mixer afterwards! :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart:

Special Instructions for the Singles Mixer: Wear shades of red if you are only interested in women, shades of blue if you are only interested in men, or shades of purple if you have no preference. You may also wear black if you simply wish to attend the mixer but are not interested romantic connections.

Who: Anyone regardless of race or faction is welcomed to attend.
What: A class for scholars of all skill levels hosted by Academia’s Headmistress Elissreaux Souli.
Where: ICly- In the Western Plaguelands- Academia’s Campus outside behind Archmage Modera Hall. OOCly it’s Hearthglen, outside and behind the Town Hall- the building with the clock tower.
When: Saturday, February 20th at 6:30pm server time.
Server: Wyrmrest Accord.

:heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart: Hope to see you there! :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart::black_heart:

Addendum on Vorkai ritual dating: The rutting season begins with the annual battle of the horns for herd supremacy. While the men are commencing the war of horns the women folk get together and browse for future dens for home buying. Following the battle for dominance by the men and the ladies having chosen a place of residence the new couples chase each other around the forests of Ardenweald until both are exhausted.

I kinda like this take on it actually.

I myself play my Forsaken as characters to whom romance doesn’t even occur to them. They will comment on and maybe be invested in their friends romances (hoping it goes well etc) but when it comes to herself she reacts with “… Huh?” Since romance is largely about procreation and the feel good chemicals in your brain etc etc, to her it’s not something she has ever felt the desire to try. She never experienced marriage or anything while alive so it’s not like she even has those fond “feel good” memories to look back on. Imagine a super dense anime protagonist who has girls throwing their naked bodies at him and his reaction is just “that’s cute but I don’t know if they like me or not” that’s basically my forsaken characters … Minus the naked anime girl attention.

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Dwarven courtship is positively the most heartfelt and sentimental of the Alliance races. Playing a love song out of a jukebox outside your lover’s bedroom window, coming home to wall-to-wall floral decorations, hand-written love songs sung poorly in front of friends.