WoW Race Courtship Research! Head-canons needed!

I immediately pictured a nouveau rich Dwarf presenting a commissioned piece of art to their intended, being as they’re not a smith themselves, and this causing rumblings amongst the recipient’s family.

Traditional families definitely have an idea of true Dwarveness and look down on any suitor who can’t fit their criteria.


I feel like Gnomes aren’t super attached to one partner. The Gnome with the Goblin husband in BfA is actually an aberration to the norm. Most Gnomes are very flighty. Compassionate, loving, and a wellspring of energy…but Gnomes don’t form super deep attachments (especially not in lieu of what happened in Gnomergan). It just…happens. One day your Gnomish boy/girlfriend ends up wandering off and doesn’t come back.

It’s not malicious, it’s just their way. In accordance to this, Gnomes take the idea of “It takes a village to raise a child” rather literally. Gnomish children are seen as a responsibility of the whole community as opposed to individual parents (and indeed, as soon as Gnomish children are capable of crawling independently by and large their birth parent - presuming they don’t roam elsewhere - takes a decidedly hands off approach to child rearing).

That said, while they are a seemingly “flight-y” people sentimental holidays are extremely important to Gnomes. The birthday of someone they were with for a week thirty years ago? They still get a card every year. Again, going into their “It takes a village” mentality, every single relationship a Gnome has - big or small - contributes to the emotional and character growth of said Gnome and they remember and honor said contributions.


I once saw someone say that blood elves court and mate merely by staring very sternly and intently at one another


Blood Elves court in the traditional Elven way.

Loom obsessively beside your crush while insisting they’re just a really good friend but THE LIGHT HELP YOU IF YOU GET BETWEEN ME AND THEM I WILL WEAR YOUR SKIN AS A CLOAK…


I’ve briefly spoken about how Draenei bump horns/crests as a gesture of affection in a previous headcanon thread, so that still carries over.

Given that tail cuffs and jewlery seem to be a big part of every day dress, I’d imagine that procuring one for your partner is a serious affair. You can’t just jam ANY crystal into that thing, no it has to be the best crystal. The mother of all crystals.

You get extra points for making a cuff with your own two hands and presenting that to your partner.


I’ve headcanon that there is still love even in undeath but without the biological and physical side of it. Gender is also less important when there isn’t a biological need so partners amongst same genders or even multiple partners is common.

I also imagine there’s also cute gestures like getting a shared tombstone or pre-Scourge Lordaeron ceremonies but with more Cult of the Forgotten Shadow flavor to it.


All of this. I think there’s definitely a greater percentage of Forsaken that identify as nonbinary, whether because they no longer feel a biological compatibility with their sex or because they realize with a bit of fleshcrafting, they can transcend traditional gender restrictions. I play a Forsaken that’s very experiencing a newfound euphoria from this freedom.
I will say that I think Forsaken have potential for less healthy forms of attachment and jealousy. I don’t recall if it was the World of Warcraft RPG that stated Forsaken tend to experience more negative emotions than positive. But even so, I imagine their emotions are so dulled from lack of biological input that they’re able to shake off these feelings intellectually.


This actually gives me muse for a zomble, thank you.


I’ve never looked into how tauren/HM court…now I’m curious.
brays forlornly from atop a mountain


Are we all assuming Warcraft humans court the same way as Earth humans cause, like, there’s a lot of half-elves running around out there and I think it warrants discussion.


I always thought that for the Draenei mating ritual, we will need four… No, five sheep, one gnome, and Staff of Domination. Put gnome in the bag, beat bag with staff, and meet me after gnome is tenderized.


step into the court with me and see how long you last

jumps several feet in the air and slam dunks, breaking the glass of the backboard

you not big enough to slam now? come on. let’s jam.


I like to imagine Orc intimacy involves fights for dominance. If you don’t have a bruise or a scar by the end of the night you clearly didn’t have a good time.

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I think it’s time we talk about the Elven female’s preference for Humanity.


It’s the chest hair, it’s gotta be. Sorry elf boys, you’ll never grow something this manly. Keep her warm in the winter like bear.

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tfw you genetically splice yourself with a dwarf to be hairier for the ladies but you only grow belly hair


I play mine as NB or as a non-bonery skeleton :wink:

I don’t know if I want to click that

except I clicked it and I hate it


hmmmm thinking on night elf rituals and figured i’d post my now-death-knight-then-sentinel and her husband.

he basically listened a lot to her complaints about her practice swords and asked her to visit his shop a few times a week. There, he checked the proper weight she’d need and forged her a blade before her mother had determined her “worthy” for a brand new one. her mother was exacerbated, but the sentinel enjoyed the gift and found she also enjoyed spending time with the handsome young blacksmith down the road.

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Before the war of the satyr, my love and I would engage in long bouts of archery followed by spitting in each other’s hair. It was glorious and we had several beautiful children.

They’re all dead now.

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Speed Dials the Pantheon

Trapping Sargeras was a mistake. Set him loose again.